
Talk with a Digital Twin In Natural Language

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

GeoChat - Talk with a Digital Twin In Natural Language


Normally, the data that makes up a digital twin is displayed in 3D. This looks good but is not easy to use and understand.

Programs like ChatGPT and other LLMs have shown how to easily bring huge amounts of information to people.

With technologies such as

  • LlamaIndex,
  • ChromaDB,
  • OpenAI API,
  • Ollama or
  • Streamlit,

it is relatively easy to create a natural language interface for a digital twin and its geoinformation.

Part 1: How many Buildings?

My first digital twin consists of the buildings of a large city that I got from OpenStreetMap. These are stored in a relational database (postgresql).

An LLM turns the user's question into a suitable query to the database. And a suitable answer from the data received.

Some examples:

🤖 Chat: Ask me a question about the Database!

👤 User: How many buildings?

🤖 Chat:There are a total of 931,866 buildings in the database.

👤 User: I stand in Baker Street. Where is the next bank?

🤖 Chatbot: The nearest bank to Baker Street is TSB located in London with the postcode W1U 7DL. It is right on Baker Street itself.

%%writefile geochat.py
import streamlit as st

from sqlalchemy import create_engine, MetaData
from geoalchemy2 import Geometry

from llama_index.core import SQLDatabase, Settings
from llama_index.llms.openai import OpenAI
from llama_index.llms.ollama import Ollama
from llama_index.core.query_engine import NLSQLTableQueryEngine
import pandas
from pprint import pprint


    # -- connect to openai
    import openai
    openai.api_key = st.secrets.openai_key

# -- include tables
include_tables = ["osm_buildings"]

# -- page config
title = "GeoChat - Talk with your Data 💬 📚"



# -- init message history
if "messages" not in st.session_state.keys():
    st.session_state.messages = [
        {"role": "assistant", 
         "content": "Ask me a question about the Database!"}

# -- prepare data
def load_data():
    with st.spinner(text="Initalizing Data – hang tight! This should take 1-2 minutes."):
        url = 'postgresql+psycopg2://postgres:mysecretpassword@localhost:5432/postgres'
        engine = create_engine(url)
        custom_table_info = {
            "osm_buildings": "stores all the buildings of a great city"

        if USE_OPENAI:
            Settings.llm = OpenAI(
            Settings.llm = Ollama(
        sql_database = SQLDatabase(
            custom_table_info = custom_table_info

    return sql_database, engine

sql_database, engine = load_data()

# -- Sidebar
def sidebar_infos(engine):
                     width = 50,
    st.sidebar.markdown("## Database")

    metadata = MetaData()

    table_names = include_tables # metadata.tables.keys()
    selected_table = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select a Table", table_names)
    if selected_table:
        table = metadata.tables[selected_table]
        columns_info = [{'Column': column.name, 'Type': str(column.type)} for column in table.columns]
        df = pandas.DataFrame(columns_info, index=None)
    # Sidebar Intro
    st.sidebar.markdown('## Created By')
    st.sidebar.markdown('## Disclaimer')
    st.sidebar.markdown("This application is only for demonstration purposes.")

info_on = st.sidebar.toggle('Activate info')

# -- create engine
if "query_engine" not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state["query_engine"] = NLSQLTableQueryEngine(
        sql_database = sql_database,

# -- ask user
if prompt := st.chat_input("Your question"):
    st.session_state.messages.append( # save prompt
        {"role": "user", 
         "content": prompt}

for message in st.session_state.messages: # Display the prior chat messages
    with st.chat_message(message["role"]):

# -- get answer
if st.session_state.messages[-1]["role"] != "assistant":
    with st.chat_message("assistant"):
        with st.spinner("Thinking..."):
            response = st.session_state["query_engine"].query("User Question:"+prompt+". ")
            if info_on:
                st.info(f"sql {response.metadata['sql_query']}",icon="ℹ️")
            message = {"role": "assistant", "content": response.response}
            st.session_state.messages.append(message) # Add response to message history
Overwriting geochat.py
!streamlit run geochat.py

Part 2: There is no Bakerstreet 🔍 in London! Challenges 🧩

When you try to talk to your digital twin, you don't always get the answers you expect.

🤖 Chat: Ask me a question about the Database!

👤 User: How many buildings are in Bakerstreet?

🤖 Chat: There are no buildings listed in the database for Bakerstreet.

After many questions, it turned out that there are three basic challenges.

🧩 Challenge 1️⃣: Values in Columns that are Difficult to Understand

The LLM cannot find "Bakerstreet" because it is not written the way it is written in the database ("Baker Street") - different spellings.

The value range of an attribute is an important information for the LLM. Example: In a column the value “1” stands for "true" and “0” for "false". The meaning of the content is important for meaningful answers. - different meanings

🧩 Challenge 2️⃣: Spatial Relationships and Connectivity between Real Things

Geo databases have special features that are used by Digital Twins: spatial query and spatial join

spatial query uses topological relationships betweeen objects "Which buildings touches the building in Baker Street 221b?"

spatial join combines two datasets with rows being matched based on a desired topological relationship, rather than using a stored values as in a normal table join in a relational database. "How many buildings are in the boundary of Westminster?"

🧩 Challenge 3️⃣: Databases with Many Tables

The database of a digital twin usually consists of many tables. Often there are hundreds or thousands.

Since the query to the LLM is limited in size, it is not possible to provide a description of all tables. The LLM therefore does not know which tables are available