
2D line plots

Primary LanguageHTML


WebGL 2D line plots for lots of data points


For now, see gl-plot2d.


Using npm, you can install this module as follows:

npm i gl-line2d


Option Meaning
positions Array with sequence of points to connect lines, akin to sequence of ctx.lineTo() calls, eg. [0,0, 1,1, 0,2, 1,-1]
color Array with channel values [0, .2, .5, 1]
width Line width, number, defaults to 1
fill Array with 4 values to fill area under the line towards direction of an axis [false, true, false, false]
fillColor Array with colors corresponding to filling areas, eg. [[0,0,0,1], [0,0,1,1], [0,1,0,1], [.5,.5,0,1]]
dashes Array with dash lengths, altering color/space pairs, ie. [2,10, 5,10, ...]