
GlokyPortScannar is a really fast tool to scan TCP ports implemented in Python.

Primary LanguagePython


GlokyPortScannar is a really fast tool to scan TCP ports implemented in Python.


This program requires Python 3.9.


  1. clone the repository.
gi clone https://github.com/gl0ky/GlokyPortScanner.git
  1. move to to 'GlokyPortScanner' directory.
cd GlokyPortScanner
  1. Install requirements to make it works.
pip install -r requirements.txt

Now you should have the dependencies installed, run the program.

./GlokyPortScanner.py --help

you shuld see this:

Usage: GlokyPortScanner.py [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  all-port-scan  Performs a scan to the full range of 65535 ports Args: ip...
  custom-scan    Performs a scan to the host to the different ports entered...
  default-scan   Performs a scan to the full of top 1000 ports Args: ip...


  1. clone the repository.
git clone https://github.com/gl0ky/GlokyPortScanner.git
  1. move to to 'GlokyPortScanner' directory.
cd GlokyPortScanner
  1. Install requirements to make it works.
py -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Now you should have the dependencies installed, run the program.

py GlokyPortScanner.py --help

you shuld see this:

Usage: GlokyPortScanner.py [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  all-port-scan  Performs a scan to the full range of 65535 ports Args: ip...
  custom-scan    Performs a scan to the host to the different ports entered...
  default-scan   Performs a scan to the full of top 1000 ports Args: ip...


This program have 3 options to scan a host


all-port-scan Basically it takes as a parameter the host to be scanned for example: scanme.nmap.org and performs a scan to the entire range of the existing 65,535 ports

C:\Users\cgarc\Projects\GlokyPortScanner>py GlokyPortScanner.py all-port-scan scannme.nmap.org

100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 65535/65535 [00:33<00:00, 1938.13it/s]

[*] Scan is complete.

Host Scanned: scanme.nmap.org

Total ports scanned: 65535

Ports Found:

[*] Port 22 is open.
[*] Port 80 is open.
[*] Port 9929 is open.
[*] Port 31337 is open.

Time Elapsed: 33.84 seconds



It takes as a parameter the host and the ports to be scanned for example: scanme.nmap.org 80,22,443 and performs a scan of the whole checking if these are open, the ports that are not open simply will not appear in the list

C:\Users\cgarc\Projects\GlokyPortScanner>py GlokyPortScanner.py custom-scan scannme.nmap.org 80,22,443

100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 3/3 [00:00<00:00, 3003.80it/s]

[*] Scan is complete.

Host Scanned: scannme.nmap.org

Total ports scanned: 3

Ports Found:

[*] Port 22 is open.
[*] Port 80 is open.

Time Elapsed: 0.03 seconds



take as parameter the host to scan for example: scanme.nmap.org performs a scan to the top 1000 ports

C:\Users\cgarc\Projects\GlokyPortScanner>py GlokyPortScanner.py default-scan scannme.nmap.org

100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 1000/1000 [00:00<00:00, 4427.36it/s]

[*] Scan is complete.

Host Scanned: scannme.nmap.org

Total ports scanned: 1000

Ports Found:

[*] Port 22 is open.
[*] Port 80 is open.
[*] Port 9929 is open.
[*] Port 31337 is open.

Time Elapsed: 0.25 seconds
