
A Springboot implementation of a VDES service for the GRAD e-Navigation Service Architecture, controlling the VDES station transmissions

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

The GLA e-Navigation Service Architecture - VDES Controller Service

The VDES controller repository contains the implementation of a service controlling VDES AIS stations. This entails reading messages through the AtoN Service and converting them to AIS messages before passing them down to the VDES stations through UDP. The core micro-service is built using the Springboot framework.

What is e-Navigation

The maritime domain is facing a number for challenges, mainly due to the increasing demand, that may increase the risk of an accident or loss of life. These challenges require technological solutions and e-Navigation is one such solution. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) adopted a ‘Strategy for the development and implementation of e‐Navigation’ (MSC85/26, Annexes 20 and 21), providing the following definition of e‐Navigation:

E-Navigation, as defined by the IMO, is the harmonised collection, integration, exchange, presentation and analysis of maritime information on-board and ashore by electronic means to enhance berth-to-berth navigation and related services, for safety and security at sea and protection of the marine environment.

In response, the International Association of Lighthouse Authorities (IALA) published a number of guidelines such as G1113 and G1114, which establish the relevant principles for the design and implementation of harmonised shore-based technical system architectures and propose a set of best practices to be followed. In these, the terms Common Shore‐Based System (CSS) and Common Shore‐based System Architecture (CSSA) were introduced to describe the shore‐based technical system of the IMO’s overarching architecture.

To ensure the secure communication between ship and CSSA, the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), in coordination with IALA, compiled a set of system architecture and operational requirements for e-Navigation into a standard better known as SECOM. This provides mechanisms for secure data exchange, as well as a TS interface design that is in accordance with the service guidelines and templates defined by IALA. Although SECOM is just a conceptual standard, the Maritime Connectivity Platform (MCP) provides an actual implementation of a decentralised framework that supports SECOM.

What is the GRAD e-Navigation Service Architecture

The GLA follow the developments on e-Navigation closely, contributing through their role as an IALA member whenever possible. As part of their efforts, a prototype GLA e-Navigation Service Architecture is being developed by the GLA Research and Development Directorate (GRAD), to be used as the basis for the provision of the future GLA e-Navigation services.

As a concept, the CSSA is based on the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). A pure-SOA approach however was found to be a bit cumbersome for the GLA operations, as it usually requires the entire IT landscape being compatible, resulting in high investment costs. In the context of e-Navigation, this could become a serious problem, since different components of the system are designed by independent teams/manufacturers. Instead, a more flexible microservice architecture was opted for. This is based on a break-down of the larger functional blocks into small independent services, each responsible for performing its own orchestration, maintaining its own data and communicating through lightweight mechanisms such as HTTP/HTTPS. It should be pointed out that SOA and the microservice architecture are not necessarily that different. Sometimes, microservices are even considered as an extension or a more fine-grained version of SOA.

The e-Navigation VDES Controller Service

The GLA identified the provision of VAtoN as one of the top priority use-cases for their future e-Navigation applications. The use-case requirements stated that the transmission must be performed over AIS/VDES, therefore the architecture should include a component that provides this capability. Consequently, the VDES Controller microservice was introduced, which is capable of interfacing with VDES modules like the CML Microcircuits VDES1000, using a set of predefined UDP/IP ports. The application is therefore able to transmit messages using the TSA/VDM (Transmit Slot Assignment/VHF Data-link Message) and the BBM (Broadcast Binary Message) sentence protocols. VDES Controller can receive the current VAtoN information by either polling or subscribing to the AtoN Service microservice, and translates it to the appropriate transmission format. For testing purposes, the service is also able to send AIS messages using the Ettus E320 software-defined radio USRP platform in a similar manner.

Development Setup

To start developing just open the repository with the IDE of your choice. The original code has been generated using Intellij IDEA. Just open it by going to:

File -> New -> Project From Verson Control

Provide the URL of the current repository and the local directory you want.

You don't have to use it if you have another preference. Just make sure you update the .gitignore file appropriately.

Build Setup

The project is using the latest OpenJDK 21 to build, although earlier versions should also work.

To build the project you will need Maven, which usually comes along-side the IDE. Nothing exotic about the goals, just clean and install should do:

mvn clean package

How to Run

This service can be used in two ways (based on the use or not of the Spring Cloud Config server).

  • Enabling the cloud config client and using the configurations located in an online repository.
  • Disabling the cloud config client and using the configuration provided locally.

Cloud Config Configuration

In order to run the service in a Cloud Config configuration, you just need to provide the environment variables that allow is to connect to the cloud config server. This is assumed to be provided the GRAD e-Navigation Service Architecture Eureka Service.

The available environment variables are:

ENAV_CLOUD_CONFIG_URI=<The URL of the eureka cloud configuration server>
ENAV_CLOUD_CONFIG_BRANCH=<The cloud configuration repository branch to be used>
ENAV_CLOUD_CONFIG_USERNAME=<The cloud configration server username>
ENAV_CLOUD_CONFIG_PASSWORD=<The cloud configration server password>

The parameters will be picked up and used to populate the default application.properties of the service that look as follows:


# The Spring Cloud Discovery Config

As you can see, the service is called vdes-ctrl and uses the 8762 port when running.

To run the service, along with the aforementioned environment variables, you can use the following command:

java -jar \
    -DENAV_CLOUD_CONFIG_URI='<cloud config server url>' \
    -DENAV_CLOUD_CONFIG_BRANCH='<cloud config config repository branch>' \
    -DENAV_CLOUD_CONFIG_USERNAME='<config config repository username>' \
    -DENAV_CLOUD_CONFIG_PASSWORD='<config config repository passord>' \

Local Config Configuration

In order to run the service in a Local Config configuration, you just need to provide a local configuration directory that contains the necessary application.properties files.

This can be done in the following way:

java -jar \
    --spring.config.location=optional:classpath:/,optional:file:<config_dir>/ \

Examples of the required properties files can be seen below.

While the application properties need to provide the service with an OAuth2.0 server like keycloak, logging configuration, the eureka client connection etc.:

# Configuration Variables

# Service properties

# Disable the cloud config

# Eureka Client Configuration

# Spring-boot Admin Configuration

# Logging Configuration

# Management Endpoints
management.endpoint.health.probes.enabled: true

# Springdoc configuration

# Spring JPA Configuration - PostgreSQL

# Datasource Configuration

## Keycloak Configuration

# Feign

# Feign Security

# Web Socket Configuration

# GRURadio AIS Message Advertiser Configuration

# Front-end Information
gla.rad.vdes-ctrl.info.name=VDES Controller
gla.rad.vdes-ctrl.info.operatorName=Research and Development Directorate of GLA of UK and Ireland
gla.rad.vdes-ctrl.info.copyright=\u00A9 2023 GLA Research & Development


Initially an AIS/VDES station like VDES1000 needs to be registered with the VDES Controller using the service’s own configuration web-interface (GUI). The configuration parameters for each station are briefly presented in the following table. In addition, each station needs to be allocated to a specific area in order to activate its transmission capabilities over it. For each of the defined stations, the VDES Controller will poll the AtoN Service periodically (currently fixed to once every minute) and only the Virtual AtoNs applicable to each station will be picked up and broadcasted over AIS/VDES.

Parameter Description Mandatory
Name The name of the station Yes
IP Address The IP address to contact the station Yes
Port The TCP/UDP port to contact the station Yes
Type The type of the station Yes
Channel The transmission channel to be used Yes
Broadcast Port The broadcast port of the station (if present) No
Forward IP Address The IP to forward incoming messages to No
Forward Port The TCP/UDP port to forward incoming messages to No
MMSI The MMSI of the station Yes

Most parameters presented in the previous table are self-explanatory. For example the “Name” parameter is a user defined identifier for that station, while the “IP Address” and “Port” define how the service will contact a given station. The “Type” parameter specifies the vendor-specific operation used to communicate with the station and currently only supports the VDES1000 and USRP equipment. The “Channel” and “MMSI” parameters are utilised to configure the transmissions so that they make use of the appropriate AIS channel and Maritime Mobile Service Identity (MMSI) respectively. The “Broadcast Port” and “Forward IP Address”/” Forward Port” parameters on the other hand, do required some additional clarifications. VDES1000 stations provide an additional UDP port to allow monitoring of the transmitted and received messages. The “VDES Controller” can allow access to that information through its GUI, if the “Broadcast Port” is defined. In addition, the messages received by the service can be further promulgated to other third-party applications through TCP/UDP, if the “Forward IP Address” and “Forward Port” parameters are defined. This functionality can be used for example to display the received AtoN messages to a chart plotting facility like a software-based ECDIS or OpenCPN.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.


Distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE for more information.


Nikolaos Vastardis - Nikolaos.Vastardis@gla-rad.org

For information about VDES technology, contact Jan Safar at Jan.Safar@gla-rad.org.