
Further integrate your shell into neovim

Primary LanguageVim Script


I implemented OSC autocommands in neovim. This means that you can now trivially synchronize your terminal working directories and create commands to jump from prompt to prompt.

Thus, you should not use Shelley anymore. Thank you for your interest though!

Shelley - Better integrate your shell into neovim

Shelley creates text objects to select prompts/command outputs and provides functions to navigate from prompt to prompt in terminal buffers.

It requires https://github.com/kana/vim-textobj-user to be installed. Shelley is both a neovim and a zsh plugin. Install it with your favorite neovim plugin and then source shelley/shell/shelley.sh from your .zshrc.

Default mappings to navigate from a prompt to another aren't provided. Instead you need to create your own by doing something like this:

nnoremap <expr> <Space>p shelley#PrevPrompt()
nnoremap <expr> <Space>n shelley#NextPrompt()
vnoremap <expr> <Space>p shelley#PrevPrompt()
vnoremap <expr> <Space>n shelley#NextPrompt()
  • Command text objects are created by default and bound to o. This means that you can select a command's output with vio or copy a command and its output with yao.


  • I didn't test Shelley with zsh's RPROMPT feature but I don't think it'd go well. Same thing for multi-line $PS1. If there are bugs they probably could easily be fixed though.

  • If your shell buffer gets longer than your scrollback value (see :h scrollback), Shelley will lose track of your prompts. This happens because there currently is no non-hackish way to know how many lines are discarded by neovim. A partial workaround is to set scrollback = -1.