
Arduino serial control for pan and tilt of a camera (with one stepper motor and one servo)

Primary LanguageC++


Very verbose serial control of an Arduino.


This "library" is meant to be used to give basic, human-usable control of an Arduino through the USB serial interface.

Designed for Uno

I have an Arduino Uno and designed this library for use with it, but you can use it with other versions of Arduino by modifying SerialControlPorts.hpp/cpp.

How To

Simply download/fork the library and run on your Arduino! Command promts are provided by the program. Type "?" to get started.

Example Usage

Here I use this library to set the brightness of an LED from the serial console. serial console output

Commands for this example:

  1. "?"
  2. "1:A"
  3. "1:B"
  4. "7:Cb09050"
  5. "4:Ca09"

use with arduino