
Placeholder proof system verifier for EVM

Primary LanguageSolidity

EVM Placeholder proof system verifier

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An application for in-EVM validation of zero-knowledge proofs generated with the Placeholder proof system.


  • Hardhat
  • Node.js - Hardhat requires an LTS version of Node.js; as of September 2023 it's v18

Contract Addresses

Network Address
Sepolia 0x489dbc0762b3d9bd9843db11eecd2a177d84ba2b

Installing with npm

You can install the package via npm from the command line:

npm install @nilfoundation/evm-placeholder-verification@1.1.1

or add it to the package.json file manually:

"@nilfoundation/evm-placeholder-verification": "1.1.1"


Clone the project from GitHub:

git clone git@github.com:NilFoundation/evm-placeholder-verification.git

After that, navigate to the evm-placeholder-verification directory:

cd evm-placeholder-verification

Install dependency packages

npm i

Compile contracts

npx hardhat compile


Launch a local network using the following command:

npx hardhat node

Don't close the terminal and don't finish this process, the Hardhat node should be running for the next steps.

To deploy to a test environment (Ganache, for example), run the following from another terminal:

npx hardhat deploy --network localhost

Hardhat reuses old deployments by default; to force re-deploy, add the --reset flag to the command.


Tests are located in the test directory. To run tests:

npx hardhat test # Execute tests
REPORT_GAS=true npx hardhat test # Test with gas reporting

Local verification of zkLLVM circuit compiler output

zkLLVM compiler prepares circuits as instantiated contracts that can be deployed to a blockchain.

Once you get zkLLVM output, create a circuit directory under contracts/zkllvm for your output. That directory should contain the following files:

* proof.bin — Placeholder proof file
* circuit_params.json — parameters file
* public_input.json — file with public input
* linked_libs_list.json — list of external libraries that have to be deployed for gate argument computation
* gate_argument.sol, gate0.sol, ... gateN.sol — Solidity files with gate argument computation

If all these files are in place, you can deploy the verifier app and verify the proofs. You only need to deploy the verifier once, and then you can verify as many proofs as you want.

Deploying the contracts:

npx hardhat deploy

If you've put the files under, let's say, contracts/zkllvm/circuit-name directory, you can verify the proofs with the following:

npx hardhat verify-circuit-proof --test circuit-name

To verify all circuits from contracts/zkllvm directory, run:

npx hardhat verify-circuit-proof-all


Submit your issue reports to the project's Github Issues.

Join us on our Discord server or in our Telegram chat and ask your questions about the verifier's usage and development.