This package extends Object class with following:
- Dart Class Name to be used
- Returns class definition in Dart syntax. Supports super classes as well. Adds all instance variables to the class definition.
- Creates a full string with itself as a property in Dart class
toDartSourceCodeWithName: aPropertyName onStream: aStream
Add dartSourceClassName method to your class and return a string which should be used as a dart class name. Do it for other classes used in your main class.
Instantiate your class and send toDartSourceClassCode message to it.
Class SLTask has three instance String variables: name, description and target, which is an instance of TargetCossacks class.
task := SLTask new name: 'sichTasks.sendCossacks'; description: 'sichTasks.sendCossacksDescription'; target: (SLTarget cossacksWithAmount: 100).
task toDartSourceClassCode