
username: loginthemangrove@gmail.com. password: password. :)

Primary LanguageMathematica

This is a starter template for Learn Next.js.


Oof. Like the mouse spinners on the drop-down wheel, hmm we're getting somewhere or do we need to say so ourselves? Because it should be self-evident that we are unannounced, our Type 1 and Type 2 Signup Page at the push of a button... instead of requiring the users to fill everything out explicitly we just ask them on one page... could you envision sign-up flow across multiple pages?!?

Type 1 Profile Creation (Page 1): We have the First Name, the Middle Name/Initials, the Last Name, the Title (Jr/Sr/etc.), whether we're currently in temp (yes or no) and if yes, and if no, we are expecting them to be temp or not perhaps we can just do a Describe Yourself; if we can get this out there that would be amazing...

Type 1 Profile Creation (Page 2): Upload the Photo, and then submit a Bio/Personal Statement with a maximum of 500 words. So you want the CSS to convey the same message as the JavaScript; Python is the language of machine learning and JavaScript is the language of single-threaded applications, and Mathematica is the language, inspired by C, of multi-threaded computational complexity.

The Photo Gallery should be a breeze by the way there’s nothing in here, yes nothing that can be construed as difficult to implement; as Stephen would put it, there’s all these archives and there’s nothing, oh yes there are some jerks but there’s nothing truly spectacular about any of it. Likewise, Andrew, there is nothing about this Rough Plan that we can’t implement…

Type 1 begs the Homepage (Post), probably because we’re trying to shoe-horn the Homepage into being able to upload files, create posts, explore, post and community; why not just build everything out without regard to styling, just center everything and be done with it, stuff all of our Post Creation functionality, our Upload File, Emojis/Stickers/GIFs, Go Live, make it more timeless and just stuff everything into FlexBox Format and then post…

The Explore Tab takes a default | random dichotomy, or whatever you want to call it, and provides a location Filter, election Filter, and then allows us to generate and explore posts (only for type 1) and community. There, we can filter the location (Filter)… zip, city, county, state, country… so you’re zooming out and by the way, it gets even darker just to blend in… (Election) Filter: President, Senator, Mayor, etc…

Our Mission is to Revolutionize.

The verdict is... you can revolutionize it because what we're dealing with is a social construct. Our role is just to bring politics to be revolutionized, and the easiest thing to revolutionize is us.

Thank you for making this possible. Thank you for inviting me to the GitHub repo, where we can collaborate and get the ball rolling... !

Inspiration: the legendary Kanishka saying,

You always (or always seem to be) testing the live website after making every change. You can't forget to test the live website... that's extremely bad development practice. I'm telling you this because you'll need to get into the habit of testing your work every single time you make a change to the code. Our live website can't be giving errors like this for an entire day. What if an investor or a customer was trying to look for something?

Our dream is to provide clients and team meetings, dissect request bodies, create enriching and memorable experiences for our guests, patrons, and clients. Check the website out every few days, do business, creating an atmosphere of mystique.

For the investors, focus on the web version with cross-browser testing. The app comes side by side, along the footer of the site... implement consistency, make the spacing even for each section. Redirect all pages to HTTPS...

Sorry, it's the Type 1 which allows us to join the Welcome Splash page at which point we are able to Login & Signup, via Type 1 or Type 2 Signup which takes us to the Profile Creation (Type 1) or Profile Creation (Type 2) pages, and both of which lead to the Homepage. Therefore the Rough Plan envisions two invisible types... the Welcome page takes the Logo / Welcome message to be determined, with the New User who can Signup and the Returning User who can Login... it also takes the Login Page: or so it seems, the email and password login which are both essential, and the Signup Page: Email, Password, Confirm Password, Zip Code... City State Country and Type.

Heartwarming and visionary, now making this business next step is going to be our test of survivability if you like so don't hold your breath... that's really old-school, envisioning...

The beginning.