
Filter PII info in files

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

PII Detection and Masking tool

This is a tool to monitor new files dropped in a specified directory and to remove/mask pii information in the files if any.

Following are the components of the program

  1. main.py

    • entry point of the program
  2. config.py

    • config file where running configurations are written. A config entry typically contains following
      • watch directory
      • setup action (optional)
      • response actions
  3. config_vars

    • contains constant values
  4. response_actions.py

    • This file has all response actions as functions
  5. watcher.py

    • contains function watchman() which listens for new files in a given folder
  6. setup_action

    • task to execute before watchman is triggered. As per the use case setup action is to create a directory named todecode if same already exists, then deletes all files in the directory
    • only one setup action is allowed for one watchman instance
  7. pii_regex.py

    • contains compiled regular expressions to detect pii information
    • only the regex in pii_regex_list is used to detect pii info
    • to add a new regex, add a compiled regex to the file using re.compile() and add it to the pii_regex_list also.

Workflow Diagram


  • Abbreviations used:
    • WdT: Watch Directory Thread
    • CdT: Compressed Directory Thread

Start Service

  • First create a virtualenv and run
    • pip install -r requirements.txt

pyminizip needs to be installed and same is used to set password to zip files.

cd to pii_filter directory once this repo is cloned successfully

$python3 main.py 
watchman running for /path/to/pii_filter/watch_dir
watchman running for /path/to/pii_filter/todecode

Run tests

$python3 -m unittest tests/test_*.py
Ran 5 tests in 0.010s