Test assignment for ClickLogiq


This test requires:

  • Working with PHP7.* and Symfony 4+
  • Mysql Database
  • Use Symfony coding standards
  • Nginx or Apache

Required Functionality:

  1. Implement a call to NASA API to retrieve the list of Asteroids based on their closest approach date to Earth (Near-Earth Objects - NEOs):

    • Use api.nasa.gov
    • API-KEY: (hidden, can be provided separately)
    • Documentation: https://api.nasa.gov/ and go to "Browse APIs -> Asteroids - NeoWs"
    • Limit the query to the last 3 days.
  2. Persist the resulting list in your DB without duplicates. Define the data model as follows:

    • date
    • reference (neo_reference_id)
    • name
    • speed (kilometers_per_hour)
    • is hazardous (is_potentially_hazardous_asteroid)
  3. Create the following routes in your application:

    • GET /neo/hazardous
      • return all DB entries which contain potentially hazardous asteroids (with pagination)
      • response format: JSON
    • GET /neo/fastest?hazardous=(true|false)
      • calculate and return the model of the fastest asteroid
      • with a hazardous parameter, where true means is hazardous
      • default hazardous value is false
      • response format: JSON
    • GET /neo/best-month?hazardous=(true|false)
      • calculate and return a month with most asteroids (not a month in a year)
      • with a hazardous parameter, where true means is hazardous
      • default hazardous value is false
      • response format: JSON
  4. Bonus points:

    • Clean and straightforward code
    • Use restful API best practices
    • Create functional tests for API endpoints.
    • Use Docker



  • PHP 7.4
  • Symfony 5.1
  • Nginx+php-fpm
  • MySQL 5.7
  • Docker (docker-compose)


  1. Project setup in Docker will be refactored
  2. Functional tests are not yet implemented

Project setup

  1. Copy .env.dist to .env to setup docker variables

     COMPOSER_AUTH='{"github-oauth":{"github.com":"<personal access token>"}}'
  2. Copy app.env.dist to app/.env.local to setup application variables and set proper variables

  3. Run

     docker-compose build
     docker-compose up -d
  4. Go inside php-fpm container and install composer dependencies

     docker-compose exec php-fpm bash
     composer install
  5. Inside php-fpm container run

     php bin/console nasa-api:parse-near-earth-objects
  6. Download Postman collection and environment (in the postman folder), set NASA API key in environment variables and check endpoints.