
A server that exposes a directory for video streaming via web interface

Primary LanguageGoOtherNOASSERTION

Golang HLS Streamer

Simple server that exposes a directory for video streaming via HTTP Live Streaming (HLS). Uses ffmpeg for transcoding.

This project is cobbled together from all kinds of code I has lying around so it's pretty crappy all around. It also has some serious shortcomings.


Running it

Important: You need the ffmpeg and ffrpobe binaries in your PATH. The server will not start without them. You can find builds most operating systems at https://ffmpeg.org/download.html.

  1. Download the binary for your operating system from the releases page (https://github.com/shimberger/gohls/releases)
  2. Execute the command gohls serve <path to videos> e.g. gohls serve ~/Documents/Videos to serve the videos located in ~/Documents/Videos.
  3. Visit the URL http://localhost:8080 to access the web interface

Specifying the port

To make the server listen on another port just use the serve command with --port like so (the example uses port 7000):

gohls serve --port 7000 <path to videos>

Developing it

Just do a go get github.com/shimberger/gohls/... in your GOPATH. Then change into the project directory and run the development server by executing ./scripts/run_dev (sorry Windows users). You need gulp & npm to build the frontend.
