
Presentations and whatnot

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This repo contains all of my talks.

For a webview, go to glasnt.com/talks

Technical overview

These talks use a few different formats.

Most recently, they are Podium decks.

For talks not in a .podium, they use reveal.js, while some earlier versions use a system called projection, but there are some Keynote and PDFs in there.

In all circumstances, they should all be visible by clicking on the Slides link on glasnt.com/talks

The talk listing itself is jekyll, myrtle theme.

Running locally

For reveal.js and projection.js:

   python -m http.server -p 1337
   open http://localhost:1337

If you are running Python 2.7 (which you really shouldn't), run python -m SimpleHTTPServer 1337 instead.

Speaker notes can be viewed by pressing [s]. I use the notes mostly for reminders, and should not be assumed to be of any use to anyone wanting a general review of the talk.

Talk writeups

If you want to get a TLDR on any of my talks, if there is an associated write-up, it'll be linked on the main talks page as "Resource". There are also dedicated writeups at the top of the complete talks listing.