var canvas = new fabric.Canvas('c'); canvas.selection = false; // disable group selection rect.set('selectable', false); // make object unselectable So which other events are available in Fabric? Well, from mouse-level ones there are "mouse:down", "mouse:move", and "mouse:up". From generic ones, there are "after:render". Then there are selection-related events: "before:selection:cleared", "selection:created", "selection:cleared". And finally, object ones: "object:modified", "object:selected", "object:moving", "object:scaling", "object:rotating", "object:added", and "object:removed"
If you'd like to create a group with objects that are already present on canvas, you'll need to clone them first: // create a group with copies of existing (2) objects var group = new fabric.Group([canvas.item(0).clone(), canvas.item(1).clone()]); // remove all objects and re-render canvas.clear().renderAll(); // add group onto canvas canvas.add(group);
Creating a minimap for the canvas
Apparently setters are removed in the latest version of Fabric.js (using version 2.7.0). You can now simply set the properties on the object directly: