Resources for Mod 1 BEE

We (mod 2) want to help you (mod 1) as much as possible in these first six weeks of Turing.

It's a bit of a fire-hose for you so far, but we're pulling together resources in a few ways:

  • Pairing so we can pair with you on whatever you're working on
  • Tips and tricks that served us well


With a few exceptions, you'll have to initiate a pairing session.

We're all really eager to help you, so please pair with us! It's fun for us, and it'll be useful to you.

Take a look at this pairing planner for some info about who's available. If they put their name on this list, it's because they want to pair with you. It's not a hassle to help, we happen to enjoy it.

Here's the folks you can pair with, along with a blurb from each of them:

Josh Thompson

I like helping other folks. Teaching is a blast to me. Especially in small groups.

slack: @josh_t

Schedule a pairing with me

Areas of strength:

  • Git workflows
  • tools (like terminal, atom)
  • Enumerables
  • TDD

Joseph Glass

I love to explain the 'why' behind code, and I'm a big fan of coding muscle memory (aka repetitive practice!).

slack: @glassjoseph

Resource Reference Page

This is a list of resources, tools and high-quality exercises that helped us through Mod 1. Some you can use today, some won't be helpful till later on in the mod. Don't feel pressured to use them all, but for us they were big time-savers.

Pairing Strategies

Sign Up!

Even if you're not yet sure what to talk about, sign up anyway. You'll have questions by the time your pairing slot comes.

Have a Plan

It's not always possible, but having a plan adds focus to your pairing. Do you want to go over a homework, refactor a project or revisit a confusing topic? What have you tried, and why do you think it has or hasn't worked?

Write down Question

Consider keeping a running list of questions that come up throughout the week. This will not only give you plenty of content for a pairing, it will make your learning more intentional.

General Advice

  • Download Atom
  • If you're stuck for over 30 minutes, ask for help.



  • Comment Out - Cmd + /
  • Move line up/down - Cmd + Ctrl + up/down
  • Hide Side-bar - Cmd + \
  • Fuzzy Finder - Cmd + p


  • Aliases are command-line shortcuts. Only do this if you're tired of typing cd ~/user/stuff/turing/1mod/homework over and over
  • Open your bash profile in your favorite text editor atom ~/.bash_profile and follow the link's instructions on "Permanent Aliases"


Atom Add-ons

Just search for these under "Preferences" (Cmd + ,) then "Install" in Atom

  • man pages are long and esoteric. Tldr gives a brief summary of what a command actually does.
  • Install: brew install tldr


Note: wait till you start using pry to get these:


  • prints out your variables whenever you enter pry
  • Install: gem install pry-state


  • Adds some navigation options to pry
  • Install: gem install pry-byebug


  • Dash - Download and instantly search Ruby Docs on your machine
  • Spectacle - Visual tool. Lets you resize mac windows to preference.
  • Flux - Bright laptop screens at night can interfere with your sleep cycle. Flux dims your screen as it gets late and lets you fall asleep faster.

Reference & Tutorial Resources




Drills && Practice

Turing Ruby Exercises

  • Start with Core-Types, later do Mythical Creatures. Message a Mod2 student if you need set-up help!

How to get started with Mythical Creatures drills


  • Online, simple progression of Ruby challenges


  • Online, slightly more challenging Ruby exercises


  • Comprehensive Ruby challenges which use Git and Minitest. Advanced, but highly recommended.

Turing Links

Contribution to this repo:

Fork it, clone it down, make your changes, make a PR

Please use the contribution guidelines for adding to this main readme.