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Django Sakila


django-sakila is django demo project based on the MySQL Sakila sample database.


Sakila is designed to represent a DVD rental store. Sakila has been ported to Postgres and SQLite and it is one of the most popular sample database among those community.

Builtin Models


The Actor model contains information for all actors.

Relations: The FilmActor model has Foreignkey to the Actor model


  • actor_id:primary key
  • first_name: The actor's first name.
  • last_name: The actor's last name.
  • last_update: The time that the object was created or most recently updated.


The Adderss model contains address information for customers, staff, and stores.

Relations: The Customer, Staff and Store models have Foreignkey to the Adderss model


  • address_id: The primary key
  • address: The first line of an address.
  • address2: An optional second line of an address.
  • district: The region of an address, this may be a state, province, prefecture, etc.
  • city: A foreign key pointing to the City model.
  • postal_code: The postal code or ZIP code of the address (where applicable).
  • phone: The telephone number for the address.
  • last_update: The time that the object was created or most recently updated.


The Category model lists the categories that can be assigned to a film.

Relations: The Category model and the Film model are associated with the ManyToManyField through the FilmCategory model.


  • category_id: The primary key
  • name: The name of the category
  • last_update: The time that the object was created or most recently updated.


The City model table contains a list of cities.

Relations The City model has Foreignkey to the Country model. The Address model has Foreignkey to the City model.


  • city_id: The primary key
  • city: The name of the city.
  • country_id: A foreign key identifying the country that the city belongs to.
  • last_update: The time that the object was created or most recently updated.


The Country model table contains a list of countries.

Relations The City model has Foreignkey to the Country model.


  • country_id: The primary key
  • country: The name of the country.
  • last_update: The time that the object was created or most recently updated.


The Customer model contains information of all customers.

Relations: The Customer model has Foreignkey to the Address and Store models. The Payment and Rental models have Foreignkey to the Customer model.


  • customer_id: The primary key
  • store_id: A foreign key identifying the customer's “home store.” Customers are not limited to renting only from this store, but this is the store they generally shop at.
  • first_name: The customer's first name.
  • last_name: The customer's last name.
  • email: The customer's email address.
  • address: A foreign key identifying the customer's address.
  • active: Indicates whether the customer is an active customer. Setting this to FALSE serves as an alternative to deleting a customer outright.
  • create_date: The date the customer was added to the system.
  • last_update: The time that the object was created or most recently updated.


The Film model represents films potentially in stock in the stores. The actual in-stock copies of each film are represented in the Inventory model.

Relations: The Film model has Foreignkey to the Language model. The Inventory model has Foreignkey to the Film model. The Film model is associated with the Category and Actor model through the FilmCategory and FilmActor individually.


  • film_id: The primary key
  • title: The title of the film.
  • description: A short description or plot summary of the film.
  • release_year: The year in which the movie was released.
  • language: A foreign key identifies the language of the film.
  • original_language: A foreign key identifies the original language of the film. Used when a film has been dubbed into a new language.
  • rental_duration: The length of the rental period, in days.
  • rental_rate: The cost to rent the film for the period specified in the rental_duration field.
  • length: The duration of the film, in minutes.
  • replacement_cost: The amount charged to the customer if the film is not returned or is returned in a damaged state.
  • rating: The rating assigned to the film. Can be one of: G, PG, PG-13, R, or NC-17.
  • special_features: Lists which common special features are included on the DVD. Can be zero or more of: Trailers, Commentaries, Deleted Scenes, Behind the Scenes.
  • last_update: The time that the object was created or most recently updated.


The FilmActor model is used to support a many-to-many relationship between the Film model and the Actor model. For each actor in a given film, there will be one FilmActor object listing the actor and film.

Relations: The FilmActor model has Foreignkey to the Film and Actor models.


  • actor_id: A foreign key identifying the actor.
  • film_id: A foreign key identifying the film.
  • last_update: The time that the object was created or most recently updated.


The FilmCategory model is used to support a many-to-many relationship between the Film model and the Category model. For each category applied to a film, there will be one FilmCategory object listing the category and film.

Relations: The FilmCategory model has Foreignkey to the Film and Category models.


  • film_id: A foreign key identifying the film.
  • category_id: A foreign key identifying the category.
  • last_update: The time that the object was created or most recently updated


Each Inventory object represents a copy of a given film in a given store.

Relations: The Inventory model has Foreignkey to the Film and Category models. The Rental model has Foreignkey to the Inventory model.


  • inventory_id: The primary key
  • film: A foreign key pointing to the film this item represents.
  • stord: A foreign key pointing to the store stocking this item.
  • last_update: The time that the object was created or most recently updated.


The Language model stores the possible languages that films can have for their language and original language values.

Relations: The Film model has Foreignkey to the Language model.


  • language_id: The primary key
  • name: The English name of the language.
  • last_update: The time that the object was created or most recently updated.


Each Payment object represents a payment made by a customer, with information such as the amount and the rental being paid for (when applicable).

Relations: The Payment model has Foreignkey to the Customer, Rental and Staff models.


  • payment_id: The primary key
  • customer: A foreign key identifying the customer whose balance the payment is being applied to.
  • staff: A foreign key identifying the staff member who processed the payment.
  • rental: A foreign key identifying the rental that the payment is being applied to. This is optional because some payments are for outstanding fees and may not be directly related to a rental.
  • amount: The amount of the payment.
  • payment_date: The date the payment was processed.
  • last_update: The time that the object was created or most recently updated.


Each Rental object represents each rental of each inventory item with information about who rented what item, when it was rented, and when it was returned.

Relations: The Rental model has Foreignkey to the Inventory, Customer, and Staff models. The Payment model has Foreignkey to the Rental model.


  • rental_id: The primary key
  • rental_date: The date and time that the item was rented.
  • inventory: The item being rented.
  • customer: The customer renting the item.
  • return_date: The date and time the item was returned.
  • staff: The staff member who processed the rental.
  • last_update: The time that the object was created or most recently updated.


The Staff model lists all staff members, including information on email address, login information, and picture.

Relations: The Staff model has Foreignkey to the Store and Address models. The Rental, Payment and Store models have Foreignkey to the Staff model.


  • staff_id: The primary key
  • first_name: The first name of the staff member.
  • last_name: The last name of the staff member.
  • address: A foreign key to the staff member's address.
  • picture: A BLOB containing a photograph of the employee.
  • email: The staff member's email address.
  • store: The staff member's “home store”. The employee can work at other stores but is generally assigned to the store listed.
  • active: Whether this is an active employee. If employees leave their record are not deleted from the database, instead this field is set to FALSE.
  • username: The user name used by the staff member to access the rental system.
  • password: The password used by the staff member to access the rental system. The password should be stored as a hash using the SHA1() function.
  • last_update: The time that the object was created or most recently updated.


The Store model lists all stores in the system. All inventory is assigned to specific stores, and staff and customers are assigned a “home store”.

Relations: The Store model has Foreignkey to the Staff and Address models. The Staff, Custom and Inventory models have Foreignkey to the Store model.


  • store_id: The primary key
  • manager_staff_id: A foreign key identifying the manager of this store.
  • address_: A foreign key identifying the address of this store.
  • last_update: The time that the object was created or most recently updated.