
user behavior service

Primary LanguagePython


A service api that will collect those events from some applications.

The objective is use these data to analyze user behavior.


In this API was used:

  • Python as main language,
  • Flask as Web Framework,
  • Postgresql to store data,
  • Redis as queue broker,
  • Celery to manage tasks,
  • Marshmallow as serializer,
  • Docker to virtualization service

API Docs

  • JSON file at contrib/theeye.postman_collection.json
  • Also It is possible to see a swagger doc in http://localhost:5000/api/docs

Running the services

1 - 1. Install Docker and Docker Compose

2 - Clone: git clone https://github.com/glauber-silva/theeye.git

3 - Access the package:

$ cd theeye

4 - Configure env file

$ mv contrib/.env.config .env

5 - Build the project

$ make build

6 - Upgrade the database

$ make db_upgrade

7 - Run services

$ make start


  • There is not seed for run manually. Everything will run during the build

About the Project

This project was built thinking about three main entities:

  • Event: It will handle event data associated to a session
  • Session: It will handle session info and can be associated with many events
  • Error: It will store data related with failed events validations

Before adding the Event it is necessary to generate a session UUID on the session endpoint. It should be used in the session_id attribute of the Event payload.

Events are not processed in real time. For this, when the inclusion of an event is requested, a message in the response is sent informing that the information will be validated. Behind the scenes a task is added to the broker. For this, celery and redis are used.

There is a worker that will process these tasks and do the validations. In case of success the event is included. In case of failure it will be included as Error.