This is a Neovim plugin to interactively execute Maven commands within the editor.
- Run Maven goals (e.g. clean, compile, test, ...) within Neovim
- Display logs of Maven commands execution
- Customize Maven goals
Install the plugin with your preferred package manager:
cmd = { "Maven", "MavenExec" },
dependencies = "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim",
config = function()
executable = "./mvnw", -- `mvn` should be in your `PATH`, or the path to the maven exectable, for example `./mvnw`
cwd = nil, -- work directory, default to `vim.fn.getcwd()`
settings = nil, -- specify the settings file or use the default settings
commands = { -- add custom goals to the command list
{ cmd = { "clean", "compile" }, desc = "clean then compile" },
choose maven command to execute
input maven command and run
or <ESC>
to close the maven log buffer