
An Object-Resource Mapping Node REST Framework

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Apey Eye


Apey eye is an Object-Resource Mapping Node.js API framework that uses next-generation JS features that can be used today, like Classes, Decorators and async/await for maximum expressiveness. It can work as a BAAS out-of-the-box, or be easily configured to match most API needs.

Apey Eye builds on the following classes:

  • Router: It is the entity responsible for mapping HTTP requests to Resources.

  • Resource: A class representing a Resource in the REST sense, that handles all the CRUD operations related to it. Gets the request parameters, possibly interacts with Models, and returns an object as a response.

  • Model: An ORM-like DB table to JS object wrapper. Our example implementation uses rethinkDB, but it can be replaced by any DB by implementing a new base model.

  • Input: It is the entity used to build a schema to validate data. The main goal is to use instances of this entity associated to Models or Resources to validate data in any point of requests handling.

It’s common having an object-relational mapping to interact with relational database content in an object oriented way. Likewise, Apey Eye makes an object-resource mapping where the Resource objects has methods that map to get, post, put, patch and delete methods. for a resource/ or resource/:id/ url. Generally speaking, static methods correspond to HTTP methods you’d call on the resource/ and instance methods to HTTP methods you’d call on the resource/:id

To make it easier to learn and use Apey Eye, the Model objects use the very same methods.

Furthermore, this object oriented approach allow entities like Model and Resource to be used imperatively (e.g. model.delete()), making it easier to use them in other contexts, like unit testing.



Input instances are the objects that will be used to validate data, so are used to define a data schema, where can be found all fields that are allowed, and some properties for them.

let Input = ApeyEye.Input;

let restaurantInput = new Input({
	name:       {type: "string", required: true},
	year:       {type: "number", valid: yearValidator},
    created:    {type: "date", default: "now"},
    type:       {type: "string", choices: ["grill", "vegetarian", "fast-food", "japanese", (...) ]},
    phone:      {type: "string", regex: /\(?([0-9]{3})\)?([ .-]?)([0-9]{3})\2([0-9]{4})/}

let yearValidator = function(value){
  if(value <= 2015)
    return true;
    throw new Error("Invalid year.");  

For the definition of each field of Input can be used the following properties:

  • type: a string with type of data, "string", "number", "date", "boolean", "reference", "collection", "manyToMany".
  • required: mandatory existence of data for the field
  • regex: regular expression that value of the field may match
  • valid: a function that will validate the value of field
  • choices: a set of possible values for the field
  • default: a default value for the field

If the value of the field represents a relation then there are other properties that should be used:

  • model: a string with the identifier of the related Model.
  • inverse: a string with the name of the field responsible for relationship in related Model.
  • through: a string with the name of the intermediate Model used to make possible a ManyToMany relationship.


The Models are the entities responsible by communication between framework and database and thus the implementation of each Model must follow the type of database that it will connect.

This is one of the components that is implemented in an independent way, allowing framework to be agnostic from type of database, so it can implement Models for any database system.

Class Based

Models were implemented through classes, allowing to be only needed one compact entity to handle a data model in databases.

let Model = ApeyEye.Model;

class MyModel extends Model{
		super(async function () { (...) });
	static async fetch(){ (...) }
	static async fetchOne(){ (...) }
	async put(){ (...) }
	async patch(){ (...) }
	async delete(){ (...) }

Static vs Instance

Attending to an object oriented approach, there are a difference between the meaning of static methods and instance methods.

Static Methods intend to be the responsible methods for access and manipulation of data in a collection level, providing methods to insert new data or access data that exists in database.

Instance Methods intend to be the responsible ones for operations that change the internal state of one single object in database or even for operations that deletes the objects.


There are several kinds of decorators that can be used in order to annotate or modify a Model class. Decorators allow to assign properties such as schemas to validate data, query parameters, output properties and also other properties related to which kind of entity you need to annotate, such Resources or Formatters.

Available decorators in ApeyEye can be accessed through:

let Annotations = ApeyEye.Annotations;


This identifier is used to assign an identifier to the entity and it also represents the name used in database to represent the table that the Model will interact.

let Name = Annotation.Name;

class MyModel extends Model{}


It receives an Input entity, where is presented the data schema that will be used to validate data received in API.

let Name = Annotation.Input;

class MyModel extends Model{}


It receives an object with properties that will be used to query database like sort, filter and pagination.

  • _sort: an array with field names that will be included in sorting and its order. example: ["name", "-description"], sort by name ascending and by description in descending order.
  • _filter: an object with values to filter results.
  • _page_size: maximum number of results that will be included in response.
let Query = Annotations.Query;

	_sort: ["-name","address"],
	_filter: {type : "grill"}, 
	_page_size: 15
class MyModel extends Model{}


It receives an object with properties that responses must follow, like the set of fields and related objects that would be included.

  • _fields: an array with field names that will be included in response.
  • _embedded: an array with field names which must include related object.
let Output = Annotations.Output;

	_fields: ["name","categories"],
	_embedded: ["categories"],
class MyModel extends Model{}


Relations can be designed through the properties of Input entity. If the value assigned to type of the Input fields represents a relation there are some properties that are mandatory depending of type of relation.

  • model: a string with name of related model. Mandatory for all kinds of relations


var restaurantInput = new Input({
    phone:{type: "reference", model:"phone"}
var phonesInput = new Input({
    phone: {type: "string", required: true}

Creating objects with 'manyToMany'

curl -X POST \
  -d '{ "phone":"phoneID", (...) }'\
curl -X POST \
  -d '{ "phone" : "{"phone": "+351 222 222 222"}", (...) }'\


  • inverse: a string with name of field that ensure relationship in related model.
var restaurantInput = new Input({
    addresses:{type: "collection", model:"address", inverse:"restaurant"}
var addressesInput = new Input({
    restaurant: {type:"reference", model:"restaurant"}

Creating objects with 'manyToMany'

curl -X POST \
  -d '{ "addresses": ["addressID", ... ], (...) }'\
curl -X POST \
  -d '{ "addresses": [ { "address": "restaurantAddress" }, ... ], (...) }'\
curl -X POST \
  -d '{ "restaurant":"restaurantID", (...) }'\
curl -X POST \
  -d '{ "restaurant":"{"name": "restaurantName"}", (...) }'\


  • inverse: a string with name of field that ensure relationship in related model.
  • through: a string with the name of the intermediate Model used to make possible a ManyToMany relationship.
var restaurantInput = new Input({
    categories:{type: "manyToMany", model:"category", inverse:"restaurant", through:"categoryRestaurant"}
var categoryInput = new Input({
    name: {type: "string", required: true},
    restaurants: {type: "manyToMany", model: "restaurant", inverse: "categories", through: "categoryRestaurant"}
var categoryRestaurantInput = new Input({
    category: {type:"reference", model:"category"},
    restaurant: {type:"reference", model:"restaurant"}

Creating objects with 'manyToMany'

curl -X POST \
  -d '{ "categories": ["categoryID", ... ],  (...) }'\
curl -X POST \
  -d '{ "categories": [ { "name": "category1" }, ... ], (...) }'\
curl -X POST \
  -d '{ "restaurants": ["restaurantID", ... ], (...) }'\
curl -X POST \
  -d '{ "restaurants": [ { "name": "restaurantName" } ], (...) }'\


With regard to syntax, the Resources are similar to Models, promoting greater ease of assimilation of concepts by developer. Offering a similar interface, the progression in learning to use the framework is greater.


Resources are implemented through classes, existing direct correspondence between class methods and each type of methods of HTTP requests. So, there are one class method representing each of HTTP request that one resource can handle.

let Resource = ApeyEye.Resource;

class MyResource extends Resource{
		super(async function () {  (...) });
	static async fetch(){ (...) }
	static async fetchOne(){ (...) }
	async put(){ (...) }
	async patch(){ (...) }
	async delete(){ (...) }

Static vs Instance

Such as in Models also in Resources is applied an object oriented approach, and thus it exists a distinction between static and instance methods according the type of access that they want to do.

Static Methods

  • Responsible for handle requests that access a kind of factory where it is possible to access or insert data.

  • Each one of static methods has a direct correspondence with all HTTP methods that can be applied to urls that match with /(resource_name)/ pattern.

  • Insertion of data can be done using class constructor.

  • Although access to only one element of collection must be done through a GET HTTP request to url /(resource_name)/:id/, this request is also mapped to a static method, because it is also considered an access to the collection, with the difference that parameter ID allow to filter the results and return only the object that match with the value of it.

  • Creating Objects

let obj = new RestaurantResource({data:{name:"restaurantName", address:"restaurantAddress"}});
curl -X POST \
  -d '{"name":"restaurantName","address":"restaurantAddress"}'\
  • List Objects
let list = RestaurantResource.fetch();
curl -X GET \
  • Access one object
let obj = RestaurantResource.fetchOne({id:"6507da1f954a"});
curl -X GET \

Instance Methods

  • Responsible for operations that act directly in the objects such as object state update or delete objects.

  • Replace object

let obj = RestaurantResource.fetchOne({id:"6507da1f954a"});
obj.put({data: {name:"anotherRestaurantName",address:"anotherRestaurantAddress"});
curl -X PUT \
  -d '{"name":"anotherRestaurantName","address":"anotherRestaurantAddress"}'\
  • Object state update
let obj = RestaurantResource.fetchOne({id:"6507da1f954a"});
obj.patch({data: {name:"anotherRestaurantName"});
curl -X PATCH \
  -d '{"name":"anotherRestaurantName"}'\
  • Delete object
let obj = RestaurantResource.fetchOne({id:"6507da1f954a"});
curl -X DELETE \


Apey Eye also allows developer to implement their own custom actions.

let Resource = ApeyEye.Resource,
    Action = ApeyEye.Annotations.Action;
class MyResource extends Resource{
	static async get_actionOne(){ (...) }
	async post_actionTwo(){ (...) }

As showed in previous example, Resource actions must follow two requirements:

  • It is needed to use @Action decorator;
  • Method name must match with pattern <HTTP_method>_<action_name>

Only when these two requirements are met the methods are handled as actions, otherwise the framework will assume them as a common auxiliar method to the class.

  • Use static action
let result = RestaurantResource.get_actionOne();

curl -X GET \
  • Use instance action
let obj = RestaurantResource.fetchOne({id:"6507da1f954a"});
curl -X POST \


Decorators as @Query, @Output, @Input and @Name can also be used in Resources with almost the same meaning. The unique distinction is case of @Name decorator. Although this decorator has a similar meaning than in Models, assigning an identifier to the entity has one other goal. This identifier is used when the Resource is added to Router, if no path is specified then the identifier will be used to build the path where Resource will be available. In a NoBackend approach, the Model that will be associated to the Resource also will have this identifier.

Although in Resources can be applied some other decorators:


It receives a render class that will be used to render all responses produced by Resource or its methods.

let Format = Annotations.Format,
    JSONFormat = ApeyEye.Formatters.JSONFormatter;

class MyResource extends Resource{}

Definition of render class

It is necessary to create a new render class that inherits BaseFormatter and must implement .format() method responsible by render received data with target format.

It must be assigned through @MediaType decorator the content-type that will be included in response headers.

let MediaType = Annotations.MediaType,
    BaseFormatter = ApeyEye.Formatters.BaseFormatter;

class TextFormat extends BaseFormatter{
    static format(data){
        return data.toString();


It receives a string indicating which mechanism of authentication will be used to authenticate requests to target Resource.

Note: There are some mechanisms of authentication already defined in framework like Basic and Local, however it is possible to define more custom mechanisms to use to validate requests.

let Authentication = Annotations.Authentication;

class MyResource extends Resource{}


It receives an array with identifiers of roles of users that are allowed to perform requests to Resource.

let Roles = Annotations.Roles;

@Roles(['client', 'editor'])
class MyResource extends Resource{}

In framework there are models that represents both roles and users and allow to make a connection between users and which roles are related to them in the system.

By default, there are an hierarchical schema for roles that allows an user to access resources that are limited to other roles that are directly or indirectly related with user's role and have also an lower hierarchical level.


let roleA = {
    id: "client",
    parentRole : "admin"

An user that are related to "admin" role also has access to Resources that are limited to "client" role.


It receives an object with data used to document the Resource which was associated. The main fields that have importance in ApeyEye documentation are title and description. These are the only ones that will be associated to Swagger documentation, although other data that developer puts on this object can access through HTTP OPTIONS documentation.

let Documentation = Annotations.Documentation;

	title : "Resource title", 12
	description : "Resource description"
class MyResource extends Resource{}

Note: Swagger documentation can be found through requests to http://<api-base-path>/api-docs/


Besides the possibility of defining a Resource class in which the developer needs to build its own implementation, the developer can also use a GenericResource class where are adopted the default implementation for each method.

class MyResource extends GenericResource {}

Simply through mentioned code it is possible to obtain a connection between Resource and the Model using the default implementation of Resource methods.


With GenericResource can be used all decorators already mentioned in this documentation but in addition should be used others that are more appropriate in this context.


It receives a class that must inherit from Model and represents the entity through defined Resource will access database. It will exists a direct connection between GenericResource methods and Model methods.

  • new GenericResource → new Model
  • GenericResource.fetch → Model.fetch
  • GenericResource.fetchOne → Model.fetchOne
  • (…)
class MyResource extends GenericResource {}


It receives an array with identifiers of the methods that are allowed to use by clients of API.

let GenericResource = ApeyEye.GenericResource,
    Methods = ApeyEye.Annotations.Methods;

@Methods(['constructor', 'static.fetch'])
class MyResource extends GenericResource{}


In Apey Eye, the Router is the entity responsible to connect received HTTP requests Resources* that exists in API and will handle them.

The framework was designed with the purpose to be independent of the type of Router that are in use allowing to be used different kinds of Routers according to developer preferences. Thus it is possible to implement a Router through frameworks like Hapi, Koa, Express or others.

Note: There are just implemented and available Routers based on Hapi and Koa.

Use Router

The entity Router has an method .register() that allows developers to connect Resources to API making them available to clients. To regist a new Resource to API you can indicate a path where it will be available, or otherwise it will be available in path registered with @Name decorator.

let router = ApeyEye.HapiRouter(); //or ApeyEye.KoaRouter();

	resource: RestaurantResource
        path: 'address',
        resource: AddressResource

router.start({ port : 8080 });


Instead of use a common Router, in which is necessary to register all Resources that will be available by API, the framework still offer the possibility of use a GenericRouter.

let genericRouter = ApeyEye.HapiGenericRouter(); // or ApeyEye.KoaGenericRouter();

genericRouter.start({ port : 8080 });

This kind of Router, besides to allow the registration of Resources in a programmatic way also admits the development of applications following a NoBackend approach.

So, it is possible that Resources are created dynamically when the clients of API make requests to one endpoint that has no Resource allocated.

For the same request, these two approaches have different behaviors, for example:

curl -X POST \
  -d '{ "phone": "+351 222 222 222"} }'\

If you use a Router and haven't been registered no Resources for the path "phone" the answer would be Status: 404 Not Found.

If you use a GenericRouter would be Status: 200 OK, and a new object would be created.


Although most of the following method parameters can be specified programmatically, clients can add them to the requests to taylor the format of the results.

So it is possible to use query params to send properties like filters, sort, fields, embedded, page and page_size and format.

Normal method call:

Only return objects with property name==”Filipe”

Sort results by reverse alphabetical order of the name, followed by a secondary ascending sort by age:

Return object only with some of it’s fields:
http://api.path/?_fields=["_id", "name", "age", "BI"] 

Expand other resources, embedding their details:
http://api.path/?_embedded=["photos", "posts"]

Return paginated results:
Return result in a specific format:

As it is possible to receive query and output properties in several layers of framework it was established some rules.

  • _filter: all filters presented in requests, resources and models are applied.
  • _sort: properties assigned in an higher layer overrides lowers, respecting order by requests are handled, requests, resources, models.
  • _page_size: the value of page size applied is the minimum of the values indicated in all layers
  • _fields: the set of fields applied is the set of values that are common to all layers. As default all fields are accepted.
  • _embedded: the set of fields applied is the set of values that are common to all layers. As default all fields are accepted.


$ npm install apey-eye

Start Example

$ npm run-script start-koa
$ npm run-script start-hapi

Run Tests

$ npm test
$ npm run-script test-cov


You can change several settings related with database connection, router or server.

let RouterConfig = ApeyEye.RouterConfig;

RouterConfig.basePath = "/api"; //Default is undefined

let DabataseConfig = ApeyEye.DatabaseConfig;

DatabaseConfig.host = "localhost";   //Default is "localhost"
DatabaseConfig.port = 28015 ; //Default is 28015
DatabaseConfig.database = "databaseName";  //Default is db1

let ServerConfig = ApeyEye.ServerConfig;

ServerConfig.apiVersion = "1.0";   //Default is "1.0"
ServerConfig.documentationPath = "/documentation" ; //Default is "/api-docs"
ServerConfig.documentationEndpoint = "/docs";  //Default is "/docs

Database configurations are prepared to connect to RethinkDB, so it is nedded to setup a new database environment.

An easy solution is to use https://github.com/RyanAmos/rethinkdb-vagrant.


The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2015 GlazedSolutions

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.