yarn add -D vitest @vitest/ui eslint-plugin-vitest
yarn add -D jsdom @testing-library/jest-dom@6.0.0 @testing-library/dom @testing-library/react @testing-library/user-event
yarn add -D @types/jest
yarn add -D @vitest/coverage-v8
- Newer version >= v16 of React Testing Library may require @testing-library/dom
- @testing-library/dom is required for the
object in React Testing Library - @testing-library/user-event is required for the
for simulating user events - @testing-library/jest-dom v6.0.0 is required for compatibility with
, as the latest version may not fully support the current TypeScript configuration and potentially causing some documentation methods to be unavailable
"test": "vitest",
"test:ui": "vitest --ui",
"test:verbose": "vitest --run --reporter verbose",
"test:coverage": "vitest --coverage"
// In tsconfig.json
"compilerOptions": {
"types": ["vitest/globals", "@testing-library/jest-dom"]
"include": [
import vitest from 'eslint-plugin-vitest'
export default tseslint.config(
languageOptions: {
globals: {
plugins: {
rules: {
...vitest.configs.recommended.rules, // you can also use vitest.configs.all.rules to enable all rules
'no-unused-vars': 'warn', // warning, not error
'vitest/expect-expect': 'off', // eliminate distracting red squiggles while writing tests
'react/prop-types': 'off' // turn off props validation
Update vitest.config.js. Add this property / value to the defineConfig
import {defineConfig, mergeConfig} from 'vitest/config'
import {UserConfig} from 'vitest/node';
import viteConfig from './vite.config';
export default mergeConfig(viteConfig as UserConfig, defineConfig({
test: {
globals: true,
environment: 'jsdom',
reporters: ['verbose'],
pool: 'forks',
setupFiles: ['./vitest.setup.ts']
Add setup file for jest-dom
// In your own vitest.setup.ts (or any other name)
import '@testing-library/jest-dom/vitest';