
Django Web App for running generalized ultimatum game experiments

Primary LanguageHTMLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Ultimatum Game Web Application

The ultimatum game is a very popular game in game theory and experimental economics [1]. The version implemented here is different from the classical formulation of the game.

There are two players, A and B. A is the proposer and B is the responder. A certain amount of work must be carried out by A and B. The "work" in our case is a certain amount of trials--N arithmetic sums--that have to be solved. The game is about how to share the work between the two. Each player is payed as long as she solves all trials assigned to her.

A can decide for any amount of trials she intends to solve, let's call this amount x. The remaining N - x will be given to B. B can decide to accept or reject the offer. In case of rejection A will have to do y = f(x) calculations and B M - y. The total amount of calculations in case of rejection can be doubled (M = 2 * N) or not (M = N). The payoff function f models different treatments. Currently there are three treatments implemented: Weak proponent, Weak respondent, Equal power.

[1]Quick intro: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultimatum_game
Author:Giovanni Luca Ciampaglia <ciampagg@ethz.ch>
Copyright:This code is © copyright of ETH Zürich 2010.

The scope of this document is to explain how to extend and mantain the ultimatum game web app. This web application was written using Django, a popular web application framework for Python. This documents presuppones you are already familiar with it [2].

We use the classic Python convention, e.g.: threading.Thread.run() means we refer to the method run of class Thread in module experiment.

The source code follows the classic layout of Django projects. The experiment package implements the web app. This is located at the top level. Within this you find the files models.py, views.py and urls.py, plus other stuff. The templates are under templates/experiment. They all inherit from templates/base.html. Localization files for the German language are under locale/de. At the top level you also find:

  • settings.py main settings file for the project
  • urls.py top-level url-patterns
  • __init__.py, which must be an empty text file
  • empty.db a "empty" SQLite database

The data model is implemented using four classes:

  1. experiment.models.Session, a single experimental session. One-to-Many relation with Game. Each session has a randomly-generatad pass-code.
  2. experiment.models.Game, a single game. It has two One-to-One relations with Participant, in order to keep track for player A and player B.
  3. experiment.models.Participant, an anonymous participant. It is in relation with django.contrib.auth.models.User since Participant instances are user profiles. A new pair of User/Participant instances is created upon authentication with a session's pass-code. The User instance has a standard user name (e.g. "Participant-1") and the password is the session's pass-code. This authentication information is not really important because participants can login only once during their browser session (which is not the same thing as the experimental session, though) [3]. Participant is in a One-to-Many relation with Trial (see below). Another important attribute of this class is the field stage (see next section).
  4. experiment.models.Trial, a single arithmetic trial, which might be wrong or correct.

The web app implements an interactive two player game. The game is structured as a sequence of stages. Each stage defines what interface the two players will see, and what kind of events are needed in order to move to the next stage.

enter instructions wait trial proposal reply game donation
  enter instructions

The logics of this flowchart is implemented in experiment.views. Participant.stage codes for the current stage the player is in. Transitions between stages happen upon acquistion of new information needed to progress the game, in particular:

  1. Let us assume the first player authenticates with the session's pass-code. A new Game instance is created, and the role of the player (A or B) is randomly determined. The player enters the instructions phase.
  2. The player reads all instructions, checks the button saying she has read them and clicks the start button. At this point, if another player has joined the game in the meanwhile, both are taken to the trial phase, otherwise, she stops at the wait phase. From this stage a polling mechanism (see static/polling.js) will take her to the trial phase, once another player joins the game.
  3. In the trial stage, players test the game interface by solving 3 test trials.
  4. Once each player finishes her 3 trials, she is taken to the proposal phase. At this point the roles have been already defined, and the proposal template will display two different screen: player A (the proposer) will see the proposal interface. Player B will see instead a waiting screen. In the background the same polling mechanism of before will ensure an automatic transition once Player B's stage attribute is updated. The conditional is implemented in the template code in templates/experiment/proposal.html using Javascript transition effect (look at static/proposal.js) The view experiment.views.proposal() is responsible for updating the stage attribute of both players once the proposal information is received.
  5. Next stage is reply, which is simmetrical in terms of displayed information: player B will see a form with two buttons (for accepting or rejecting the proposal from A) and A will wait, while polling for a stage transition. The view experiment.views.reply() takes care of updating the stage attribute in sync.
  6. In the game phase, players solve their own calculations. At this point stage advancement is not anymore in sync, but happens as soon as a player solves correctly the whole amount of trials of her own.
  7. The donation phase is the terminal phase. Players choose an amount of money to donate, submit their choice and get back a PDF with a payment coupon they can print. Subsequently, the view will render a page with a link to the same coupon, in case they want to print it later.

All views after the first one (enter) are authenticated via the pass-code, but it is important to understand that this authentication mechanism is one-shot, which means that the participant has no way to logout and login again [4]. However, upon authentication a cookie is created for that HTTP session, and the expiration of that cookie is set to one week after. So the player can access the website again in the following days and be taken automatically back to the last screen she was, i.e. the donation one.

A benefit of having a stage attribute for each player is that the web app knows what page to render to the participant so, if players try to re-access previous stages (each stage has its own URL, e.g. /experiment/2/proposal. 2 is the game ID, "proposal" is the stage) the web app can redirect them to the right one. This mechanism is implemented in experiment.views.redirecting.

This modular mechanism is much more easy to mantain and extend then a single view with a switch conditional construct in it, and gives the user a feedback on the stage they are.

Treatments are implemented as Javascript callback functions that are passed to a jQuery-UI slider object. As the proposer drags the slider, the payoff values are updated automatically using the callbacks. There are currently three different treatments implemented:

  • Weak proposer
  • Weak responder
  • Equal power

Callbacks are defined in the /static/proposal_new.js, and they look like this:

type1 = function (x) { return [ x + this.scale * 10 + this.scale, this.scale * 10 - this.scale - x ]; }
type2 = function (x) { return [ x + this.scale * 10 - 2 * this.scale, this.scale * 10 + 2 * this.scale - x ]; }
type3 = function(x) { return [ 2 * this.scale * 10 + this.scale - x, x - this.scale ]; }

The parameter scale sets the number of trials to divide. If scale = 1, then 10 trials will be requested. This is convenient in case of testing. Other parameters are defined in the object model:

class Session(models.Model):
// ...
    default_treatment = models.SmallIntegerField(null=True, blank=True,
    scale = models.IntegerField(default=100)
    boundary = models.FloatField(default=.1)

If default_treatment is Null, then each game during that session will have a randomly generated treated. scale is passed thru the template to the javascript objects above. boundary sets the minimum and maximum of the range of values the proposer can choose from and it is a fraction of the total amout of trials. Defaults are: 1000 trials min/max: 100/900.

[2]Django has a very complete documentation. See http://docs.djangoproject.com
[3]In practice, the experimental session is implemented with a cookie. This does not deny people to participante more than once during the same sesssion, for example from another browser, from another computer, or from the same browser after having deleted the cookie. This limitation is intrinsic with the anonymous setting we choose.
[4]In practice, experiment.views.logout is also implemented, and accessible (url patter is /experiment/logout) but the user never has a button or link to access this view, with one exception: after 10 minutes at the wait phase the user has the option to logout and try to login again, as a different participant. This was implemented as a safety mechanism in case of any deadlock or bug that might prevent the Game the participant from being selected. Also, we noticed people get fed up rather soon of waiting, so it is also a form of feedback in case of low participant turnover.