
Non-device-specific code, projects, and wiki pages relating specifically to the OpenDingux operating system

OpenDingux Software list

List of software packages available for OpenDingux handhelds, along with their maintainer, project status, and link to the project page itself (for reporting issues)

There are also software repositories located at the following links if you're looking to "shop" for software:





Project Maintainer Status Source Code/Project Page/OPK Download
Dingux-Atari (Atari5200/800) None Legacy OPK
DosBox @soarquin Experimental https://github.com/soarqin/dosbox-rg350
FBA (Arcade/NeoGeo) @npaladin2000 Inactive OPK
Gambatte (GB/GBC) @hi-ban Active https://github.com/bardeci/dot-matrix-simulator
GnGeo @jbanes Active https://github.com/jbanes/gngeo
JZIntv (Intellivision) @DavidKnight247 Inactive https://github.com/DavidKnight247/jzIntv
OSwan (Wonderswan) @Gameblabla Active https://github.com/gameblabla/oswan
ScummVM @jbanes Active https://github.com/jbanes/scummvm
UAE4ALL (Amiga) @zear Inactive https://github.com/zear/uae4all

Emulator Resources (Skins, pallettes, cheats, etc)

Project Maintainer Status Source Code/Project Page/OPK Download
Gamebatte Pallettes SerjTargarien Active https://github.com/SerjTargarien/gambatte-resources


Project Maintainer Status Source Code/Project Page/OPK Download
Arkanoid Unknown Inactive OPK
Atomiks @Jakz Active OPK
Mr. Drillux @jbanes Active https://github.com/jbanes/rs97-mrdrillux
OpenJazz None Legacy OPK
Quartermaster @hi-ban Active https://github.com/hi-ban/quartermaster
SuperTux None Legacy OPK


Project Maintainer Status Source Code/Project Page/OPK Download


Project Maintainer Status Source Code/Project Page/OPK Download


Project Maintainer Status Source Code/Project Page/OPK Download
ODCalc @Jakz Active Calculator Repository OPK