
Object that is used as a delegate for the request to QB SDK ( https://github.com/QuickBlox/SDK-ios ).

Primary LanguageObjective-C


WARNING! Object only for ARC projects. No GMO.

For explanation of http://quickblox-developers.blogspot.com/2012/09/using-blocks-in-ios-sdk.html

Object that is used as a delegate for the request to QB SDK ( https://github.com/QuickBlox/SDK-ios ). It works only for queries with context. If the result does block transfers in the context.


void (^block)(Result *) = ^(Result *result){
        QBUUserLogInResult *loginResult = (QBUUserLogInResult *)result;
        // save user

[QBUsers logInWithUserEmail:email password:password delegate:[QBEchoObject instance] context:[QBEchoObject makeBlockForEchoObject:block]];