
Competition "Meilleur Dev de France"

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Competition "Meilleur Dev de France"

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Several short exercises to train its capacity to code with a limit of time.

See at http://www.meilleurdevdefrance.com/ for more details. It is a yearly French programming competition to elect the best developer. See statements of the coding contest 2016 at http://www.isograd.com/EN/contestsolution.php.

  • The 2016 and 2017 competitions are available with my solution in Python 3. These competitions have sessions (first round, session1 or session2 with 3 exercises) then the final (final round with 2 exercises). Each round lasts 45 minutes.

  • The 2014 and 2015 competitions are available with my solution in Python 3. These competitions have 7 exercises and last 1 hour and 30 minutes.

  • The 2013 competition is not available :(. This competition has 11 exercises and lasts 3 hours.

Each exercice matches to a folder that contains :

  • answer.py : your response that is a script in Python 3.
  • direction.png : the statements of the current exercise.
  • input<i>.txt : a test from stdin.
  • output<i>.txt : the expected result for input<i>.txt.


You can run this project off-line.

Here an example of output after executing the script ./launch (see 6. ) :

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We can write your own solution. If you have a Bourne Shell, do the following statements :

1. Choose your session (for instance go to 2014/).

2. Clean in running the script ./clean to have each exercise without my solution.

3. Choose the first exercise (here ex1-trivial-pursuit/).

4. Read the direction thanks to the picture direction.png
(or here https://github.com/glegoux/mdf/blob/master/2014/README.md).

5. Write your solution in editing the file answer.py in Python 3.

6. Run your exercise(s) in ascending order with the script ./launch in the current session (here 2014/).

7. If your results are correct for each input<i>.txt, you can go to the next exercise.

Note :

  • The directions are in French because of it's a French competition.
  • You can put your tracks with the function local_print() directly. It creates a file track<i>.txt for each input<i>.txt for the current exercise, if you want to see your tracks again after running.
    In reality, when you are executing ./launch, main.py is running instead of answer.py, see bin/ folder.
  • You can use the script ./edit, if you want read and/or edit all exercises of the current session.
  • You can run the current exercise with a test input<i>.txt directly with the command ./answer.py < input<i>.txt, but without using local_print function. This allows to do the exercises in any order, because the script ./launch runs the exercises in ascending order, and stop as soon as an error (false reponse or syntax error ...) is found.
  • For each exercise, my solution is not the most efficient and relevant for performance. The goal of this competition is to find the solution the most quick to write, no always the most smart.

Test and Continous Integration

This project uses Travis CI, see ./test/test.sh.