
k8s uperator written in rust + gasket proxy ingress (hopefully)

Primary LanguageRust

Experiments with Rust + Kubernetes controllers

code based on https://github.com/ajavageek/rust-operator and https://github.com/whatisaphone/ingress-status-sync plus specifics of colima and kube tags

Local k8s testing with colima (https://github.com/abiosoft/colima - brew install colima)

colima start --with-kubernetes kubectl get pods kubectl create deployment caddy-app --image caddy kubectl get po kubectl expose deployment caddy-app --type LoadBalancer --port 80 curl localhost kubectl get svc kubectl get pods kubectl get deployments docker ps

colima stop

build and apply

docker build . kubectl apply -f ./deploy.yml


kubectl annotate deployment caddy-app "sidecar=true"