
rust timeseries db

Primary LanguageRust

RefluxDB timeseries database

RefluxDB is a small timeseries database with UDP and REST interface. It uses a simple SQL dialect to query the data and recognizes a simple line protocol. Its objective is to have a set of simple timeseries primitives and pre-calculated metrics for large datasets that can be run locally and benefit of fast ssd storage.

It is built in Rust and depends on a small set of libraries to provide local storage:

- GlueDB
- Chronos
- Sled

It still in early phases so internal interfaces may change.

Building and running

$ cargo build
$ cargo run

Data interface

UDP interface test:

$ echo "test,host=server,region=us-east1 value=0.80 1234567890000000000"| nc -u 8089

REST Interface test:

curl -X POST -d "q=SELECT * from test" localhost:8086/query


The main components for the database are contained within the timeseries persistence manager.

The basic concepts are the following: Measurement: Unit of data tied to a time, within a timeseries, annotated with tags Timeseries: A set of immutable measurements that move forward in time Resultset: a slice of data from a timeseries within T(start) and T(end) Tags: json annotations to measurements used to filter and group resultsets

Database structure:

Within the databases (root directory), a new sled database will be created for each timeseries. This database is abstracted by GlueSQL to provide query language and functions support.

 pros: isolation, parallelism
 cons: disk space, migration
Inner schema:
 id -> UUID
 time -> unix timestamp, ordered - measurement time (expanded 11-30-2021)
 created_at -> unix timestamp, ordered, system time (added 11-30-2021)
 name -> value name (added 11-30-2021)
 value -> float (to be float, int, string and bool)
 tags -> key/value tag map

"CREATE TABLE <timeseries_name> (id UUID, time TIMESTAMP, created_at TIMESTAMP, name TEXT, value FLOAT, tags MAP);",

* TODO: Immutable data: measurements can't be changed
* TODO: separated tag table: "CREATE TABLE <timeseries_name>_tags (id UUID, key TEXT, value TEXT);",
* TODO: ensure immutability is enforced through measurement id or fingerprint
* TODO: Pre-calculated stats for each series