
Enhanced version of the standard "cd" command

Primary LanguageRuby

Enhanced version of the standard “cd” command


Like “cd”

Use a real path :

vf /go/to/the/desired/path
vf ../here
vf ~/documents
vf -

If you use option -f, vf will try to find the desired directory for you :

$ pwd 
$ vf -f github
$ pwd

Use alias

Create an alias :

vf /go/to/the/desired/path
vf -s myalias

Then if you want to go to /go/to/the/desired/path :

vf myalias

Remove an alias :

vf -r myalias

List your alias :

vf -l

Use history

Consult your history :

vf -H

This will display a list like :

3 : ~
2 : /Users/greg/Documents/CouchDB
1 : /Users/greg/temp/Leonhard

Then you can use +N to go back to N :

vf +2
# I'm now in /Users/greg/Documents/CouchDB

Consult tour statistics :

vf -j

This will display a list like :

Statistics :
 /Users/greg/.vf : 8
 /Users/greg/VIDAL/Dev/github/merlin : 4
 /Users/greg/Dev/github : 4
 /Users/greg : 1
 /Users/greg/VIDAL/Dev/github : 1
 /Users/greg/Dev/github/vf : 9

Then use the -j option again to go to the most visited directory :

vf -j github
# I'm now in /Users/greg/Dev/github/vf


Display the current configuration :

vf --config show

Here is the default result :

Configuration :
 history_max_size = 50
 history_display_size = 10
 auto_find = false
 local_directory_first = true
  • history_max_size is the history size (see “history” bellow)

  • history_display_size is the history size, displayed by the -H option (see “history” bellow)

  • auto_find allow vf to find the directory, or not (see -f option)

  • local_directory_first set to true will look if ./dir exist before looking in the alias list

If you want to change an options, use --config :

vf --config history_display_size 15

More ?

If you need more help :

vf -h


Clone the repository in your prefered directory :

git clone git://github.com/glejeune/vf

Then add the following line in your .bashrc, .zshrc, .your shellrc :

source /path/to/vf/vf.sh

If sometimes you think you are a guinea pig, you can try the experimental completion system. To do it, use vf-comp.sh instead of vf.sh.

ZSH Users, if you use vf-comp.sh, be sure to load compinit before!

It does not work to me

Sorry dude!

vf was tested on MacOSX only, but you can help…

Contributing to vf

  • Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn’t been implemented or the bug hasn’t been fixed yet

  • Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn’t requested it and/or contributed it

  • Fork the project

  • Start a feature/bugfix branch

  • Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution

  • Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don’t break it in a future version unintentionally.