
Docker cloud

Primary LanguageShell

☁️ Docker cloud



npm start - compose the local docker cloud
npm stop - stop the local docker cloud
npm restart - restart the local docker cloud, applying project changes


Add an .env file at project root (example):

# LetsEncrypt! SSL

# Postgres database

# Database names

# Admin (this wil only be needed when for example a BE project creates an initial admin with an auth db)

# Misc
STATIC_DIR=.. # This is where the static builds of the projects you host in this cloud are

# Hosts env specific vars
# For live, add this to .env.staging and .env.prod


# Hosts

Connect hosts

  1. Edit your local hosts file with eg sudo nano /etc/hosts
  2. Direct all your project hosts to localhost by adding lines like this myproject.lan
  3. Flush DNS cache with sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder



  1. Start a server with a linux distro
  2. Install docker and git
  3. Configure git:
git config --global user.email "bot@glencoden.io"
git config --global user.name "glen coden"
  1. Generate ssh key pair:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C my-server-name
  1. Add public key to your github general setup ssh keys
  2. Add .env.live and .env.prod files at project root (they are just templates to copy to github!)
    ⚠️ Github action secrets don't recognize new lines, so base64 encode all values containing a "\n"
# .env.live
# Environment vars shared by all live deploys of this cloud

# LetsEncrypt! SSL

# Postgres database

# Database names

# Admin (this wil only be needed when for example a BE project creates an initial admin with an auth db)

# Misc
STATIC_DIR=.. # This is where the static builds of the projects you want to host in this cloud are

# Hosts env specific vars will be appended in deploy pipeline
# .env.prod
# Development stage specific environment vars


# Hosts
  1. Add secrets to your github repo at Settings > Secrets and variables > Actions:
    ENV_LIVE - copy contents of .env.live file
    ENV_PROD - copy contents of .env.prod file
    SERVER_ADDRESS_PROD - your server IP
    SSH_PRIVATE_KEY - the private key from your machine, which you're using to connect to the server

Herzlichen Glückwunsch!
Your github pipeline will deploy your docker cloud to your server every time you merge or push into main

Connect hosts

  1. Login to your domain provider and find the DNS setup for the domain you're using
  2. Add a type A entry with your project domain as host myproject and your server IP as destination
  3. You can spin up the cloud already, but the DNS change might take up to 48 hours, just wait

Optional staging cloud

You can setup a copy of the project on a second server and deploy it from branch staging

  1. Simply go through the setup steps above with another server
  2. Add an .env.staging file at project root, with HOST_ENV=staging and the staging hosts for your projects, eg staging.myproject.glencoden.io
  3. Add secrets to your github repo at Settings > Secrets and variables > Actions:
    ENV_STAGING - copy contents of .env.staging file
    SERVER_ADDRESS_STAGING - your staging server IP

☁️ Databases

⚠️ Execute scripts from project root

Add backup git repository

To backup and restore the database, initiate a private github repository and in scripts/backup-database.sh and scripts/restore-database.sh replace the lines starting with git clone git@github.com with your backup repo url

Init and update

Databases are added and removed automatically when deploying live to prod or staging
The pipeline runs scripts/init-database.sh to match the list of existing postgres databases with every entry in .env.live starting with POSTGRES_DATABASE_

Locally, run npm run db:init when all docker containers are running to match the list of existing postgres databases with every entry in .env staring with POSTGRES_DATABASE_


ssh into your server, run crontab -e and add the crontab line 30 0 * * * cd /root/apps/wolke && bash scripts/backup-database.sh to create a backup every day at 00:30h

Locally, npm run db:backup will create dump files for existing postgres databases and push them to your backup remote


npm run db:restore or bash scripts/restore-database.sh with optional command line args:

db=name - the name of the database you wish to restore (DEFAULT restores every database)
env=develop - the host environment develop | staging | prod you wish to retrieve the backup from (DEFAULT restores from the host env you are currently in)
commit=05654560fg3dd55c2c528b5134f6358bca3dc693 - the commit hash of the backup you wish to restore (DEFAULT restores most recent commit)

☁️ Deploy a project

Host environment

Any project started from a wolke context can be given access to the HOST_ENV variable, which values are develop | staging | prod
In the related docker compose service add HOST_ENV: ${HOST_ENV} to the environment list


⚠️ Example for node express app with typescript

Example Dockerfile contexts/tsc/Dockerfile
Example cache validation script contexts/tsc/script/validate-cache.sh - This will make changes to a committed Dockerfile
If you wish to use docker cache validation, see that the sed command in your script writes to the correct line and add the path to the script to npm script cache:validate


In your project-to-deploy remote github repository, add secrets at Settings > Secrets and variables > Actions:

SERVER_ADDRESS - IP address of target server
SSH_PRIVATE_KEY - Private key from machine used for server setup

⚠️ Example for app tsc

In your project-to-deploy, add a github workflow at .github/workflows/deploy-to-wolke.yml

         - main

      runs-on: ubuntu-latest
         - name: check out repository
           uses: actions/checkout@v2
         - name: install node
           uses: actions/setup-node@v2
         - name: install dependencies
           run: yarn install
         - name: build app
           run: yarn build:prod
         - name: copy ssh key
           run: |
              mkdir -p ~/.ssh
              echo -e "${{ secrets.SSH_PRIVATE_KEY }}" > ~/.ssh/id_rsa
              chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa
              echo -e "Host *\n\tStrictHostKeyChecking no\n\n" > ~/.ssh/config
         - name: clear server directory
           run: |
              ssh root@${{ secrets.SERVER_ADDRESS_PROD }} <<"ENDSSH"
              mkdir -p /root/apps/tsc/build
              rm -rf /root/apps/tsc/build/*
         - name: deploy build
           run: |
              cd build/
              scp -r * root@${{ secrets.SERVER_ADDRESS_PROD }}:/root/apps/tsc/build

In your wolke project add your project-to-deploy host to .env | .env.staging | .env.prod

# Hosts

Static deploy

Add a Dockerfile at contexts/my-app/Dockerfile

FROM node:16

WORKDIR /usr/src/app


RUN npm install pm2 -g


CMD [ "pm2", "serve", ".", "3000", "--no-daemon" ]

Add a service at docker-compose.yml

      context: contexts/tsc
      - ${STATIC_DIR}/tsc/build:/usr/src/app
      NODE_ENV: production
      - "3000:3000"
    container_name: tsc

Restart the docker cloud locally or merge into the live branches. Provide the static build with your build command locally or by merging into main for live deploy. Done!