
A collection of pre-compiled micropython images (including espnow support) for the esp32 and esp8266.

Precompiled Micropython ESPNow Images for the ESP32 and ESP8266

NOTE: Do not use - ESPNow is now available in micropython by default.

This collection of espnow-enabled micropython images is no longer supported or necessary. ESPNow support has been available in production micropython images since the v1.21.0 release.

Please obtain ESPNow enabled micropython images from https://micropython.org/download?port=esp32.

If you really must...

A collection of pre-compiled, pre-v1.21.0 micropython images (including espnow support) for the esp32 and esp8266.

These are provided as a convenience for users until the ESPNow code is accepted into a Micropython release.

These images are compiled from the espnow-g20* branches at https://github.com/glenn20/micropython.

The Pull Request for ESPNow support is available at: micropython/micropython#6515.

Documentation for the ESPNow module can be browsed at: https://micropython-glenn20.readthedocs.io/en/latest/library/espnow.html.

General micropython documentation at: https://docs.micropython.org/en/latest/reference/index.html.

Each folder contains the following firmware images:

  • firmware-esp32-GENERIC.bin: For the ESP32 GENERIC build target.
  • firmware-esp8266-GENERIC_1M.bin: For the ESP8266 GENERIC_1M build target (1MB RAM devices)
  • firmware-esp8266-GENERIC.bin: For the ESP8266 GENERIC build target (2+MB RAM devices)

These images are built following the instructions at https://github.com/micropython/micropython/blob/master/ports/esp32/README.md and https://github.com/micropython/micropython/blob/master/ports/esp8266/README.md.

Images can be written to the ESP32 and ESP8266 devices over usb using esptool.py (install using pip), eg, one of:

esptool.py --port /dev/ttyUSB0 --baud 115200 write_flash --flash_size=4MB --flash_mode=qio 0 firmware-esp8266-GENERIC_1M.bin

esptool.py --chip esp32 --port /dev/ttyUSB0 --baud 460800 write_flash -z 0x1000 firmware-esp32-GENERIC.bin

esptool.py --chip esp32s2 --port /dev/ttyACM0 write_flash -z 0x1000 firmware-esp32-GENERIC_S2.bin

Micropython v1.20.0

  • 20230427_espnow-g20-v1.20.0-2-gcc4c716f6:
    • Branch espnow-g20-v1.20.0 patches applied against Micropython release v1.20.0 on 27 April 2023.
      • API changes following PR review: (see espnow module docs):
        • Rename timeout config option to timeout_ms:
          • config(timeout=xx) -> config(timeout_ms=xx)
        • If timeout_ms < 0: disable timeout on wait for messages.
        • Rename ESPNow.on_recv() to ESPNow.irq():
          • Remove optional second argument to ESPNow.irq():
            • irq(callback[, arg]) -> irq(callback)
        • Rename espnow.ETH_ALEN to espnow.ADDR_LEN.
      • I have been able to test images for the following boards:
        • esp8266: GENERIC GENERIC_1M

Micropython v1.19.1

Micropython v1.18

  • 20220423_espnow-g20-v1.18-14-g78cdcdfdc:
    • Branch espnow-g20-v1.18 patches applied against Micropython release v1.18 on 23 April 2022.
      • Includes: RSSI monitoring, asyncio support (aioespnow.py)
        • New implementation of RSSI monitoring (no change to user API)
          • RSSI of first message(s) from peer is no longer lost
          • Device table is updated on call to recv()/irecv(), so you must read the message out of the buffers before the rssi value is updated in e.peers (see docs). This also reduces the workload in the internal function (espnow_recv_cb()).
      • ESP32 images are built with v4.2 IDF
        • If micropython.mem_info() was only showing ~64k RAM, this should be fixed
      • ESP32S2 and ESP32C3 are built with v4.4 IDF.
      • No new ESP8266 images as there are no differences from prior uploads.

Micropython v1.17