
A pathlib compatible interface to files on an mpremote-attached micropython board.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

mpremote_path - a pathlib interface for files on micropython boards

Provides a convenient, pathlib compatible python interface to access and manipulate files on a serial-attached micropython board from the host computer. mpremote-path provides the MPRemotePath class which implements a pathlib.Path compatible interface to the file access features of the mpremote tool.


mpremote_path module: Features | Installation | API Docs

mpremote_path.util.mpfs module: Features | API Docs - Functions

mpremote_path.util.mpfsops module: Features | API Docs - Functions


Provides the MPRemotePath class:

  • implements methods to access and manipulate files on micropython boards following the familiar pathlib.Path interface:
from mpremote_path import MPRemotePath as MPath

MPath.connect("u0")                 # Use device attached to /dev/ttyUSB0
p = MPath("/main.py")
print(p.read_text())                # Print out contents of /main.py

root = MPath("/")
q = root / "temp.txt"
q.write_bytes(b"Hello World\n")     # Create "/temp.txt"
print(q.read_bytes())               # Print out contents of /temp.txt
q.unlink()                          # Delete temp.txt

d = MPath("/data")
d.mkdir()                           # Create a new directory /data
d.chdir()                           # Set the working directory to /data
root.chdir()                        # Set the working directory to /
d.rmdir()                           # Delete /data
print([str(f) for f in MPath("/lib").rglob("*.py")])  # Print name of all python files in subdirs of /lib
  • inherits from pathlib.PosixPath class, so code which works on Path objects will also work transparently on MPRemotePath objects, eg:
from pathlib import Path
from mpremote_path import MPRemotePath as MPath

# Recursively copy files and subdirectories from src to dst
def rcopy(src: Path, dst: Path) -> None:
    if src.is_dir():
        print(f"{src}/ -> {dst}/")
        for child in src.iterdir():
            rcopy(child, dst / child.name)
    elif src.is_file():
        print(f"{src} -> {dst}")

MPath.connect("u0")               # Use device attached to /dev/ttyUSB0

# Make a local copy of a directory
rcopy(Path("app"), Path("../app-backup"))

# Copy local directory to the micropython board
rcopy(Path("app"), MPath("/lib/app"))

# Copy a directory from the micropython board to the local disk
rcopy(MPath("/lib"), Path("./lib2"))


First, clone this github repo into a folder somewhere:

git clone https://github.com/glenn20/mpremote-path
cd mpremote-path

If you use a python virtual environment (recommended), make sure it is active.

To install in your python environment:

  • Prerequisites (mpremote):

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Install in "editable mode":

    pip install -e .
  • OR build and install a distributable .whl package

    python -m build
    pip install dist/mpremote-path*.whl

Optional: Run the test suite (requires pytest module: pip install pytest):

  • Warning: running these tests will create and delete files and subdirectories in a new folder on the micropython board: /_tests.
pytest -v --port=/dev/ttyUSB0
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.11.2, pytest-7.4.3, pluggy-1.3.0 --
configfile: pyproject.toml
plugins: anyio-4.0.0
collected 11 items

tests/test_base.py::test_root_folder PASSED                              [  9%]
tests/test_base.py::test_mkdir PASSED                                    [ 18%]
tests/test_base.py::test_cd PASSED                                       [ 27%]
tests/test_base.py::test_touch_unlink PASSED                             [ 36%]
tests/test_base.py::test_read_write_bytes PASSED                         [ 45%]
tests/test_base.py::test_read_write_text PASSED                          [ 54%]
tests/test_base.py::test_resolve PASSED                                  [ 63%]
tests/test_base.py::test_not_implemented PASSED                          [ 72%]
tests/test_recursive_copy.py::test_recursive_copy PASSED                 [ 81%]
tests/test_recursive_copy.py::test_glob_rglob PASSED                     [ 90%]
tests/test_recursive_copy.py::test_recursive_rm PASSED                   [100%]

============================= 11 passed in 27.68s ==============================

API docs: mpremote_path module

Class MPRemotePath

  • Class MPRemotePath(*pathsegments)

    • Create an MPRemotePath instance representing the pathname for a file on a micropython board. The file may or may not exist on the board and may be a regular file or a directory. If the file does not exist, it can be created with the touch(), mkdir(), write_bytes() or write_text() methods.

      The file pathname is built up by concatenating the pathsegments provided as arguments. The segments may be strings or Path objects (including MPRemotePath). (See pathlib.Path)

Additional methods (not present in ordinary Path instances)

  • Classmethod: connect(port: str | Board | SerialTransport) -> None

    • Establish a connection to the serial-attached micropython board. port may be of type:

      • str: the name of a serial port (full or abbreviated), eg: "/dev/ttyUSB0" or "u0",
      • SerialTransport: the mpremote interface to the micropython board, or
      • mpremote_path.Board: a wrapper for the SerialTransport interface.

      This method must be called before any methods that attempt to interact with the micropython board.

  • Method: chdir() -> MPRemotePath

    • Set the working directory on the board to the path, which must be an existing directory. This is provided as a convenience to simplify changing the working directory on the board. Returns the new working directory as a normalised absolute path. This is an MPRemotePath-only extension.
  • Method: copyfile(target: MPRemotePath | str) -> MPRemotePath

    • Make a copy (named target) of a file on the micropython board. target may be the name of the target file (str) or another MPRemotePath instance. This provides the equivalent of os.copyfile() for files on the micropython board.
  • Method: copy(target: MPRemotePath | str) -> MPRemotePath

    • Make a copy (named target) of the file or directory. If the source object is a directory, create a new directory called target. If the source object is a regular file, make a copy with copyfile(target).

Inherited Properties, Methods and Operators

  • From pathlib.PurePath:

    • Properties:
      • parts, drive, root, anchor, parents, parent, name, suffix, suffixes, stem
    • Methods:
      • as_posix(), as_uri(), is_absolute(), is_relative_to(other), is_reserved(), joinpath(*pathsegments), match(pattern), relative_to(), with_name(name), with_stem(stem), with_suffix(), with_segments(*pathsegments)
    • Operators:
      • /: the slash operator concatenates path segments to create child paths,
        • eg. lib = MPRemotePath("/lib); pkg_dir = lib / "pkg".
  • Inherits or overrides from pathlib.Path:

    • Methods:
      • cwd(), home(), stat(), exists(), expanduser(), glob(pattern), group(), is_dir(), is_file(), is_junction(), is_mount(), samefile(other), is_symlink(), is_socket(), is_fifo(), is_block_device(), is_char_device(), iterdir(), walk(), lstat(), mkdir(), owner(), read_bytes(), read_text(), rename(target), replace(target), absolute(), resolve(), rglob(pattern), rmdir(), touch(), unlink(), write_bytes(data), write_text(text)
    • Will raise a NotImplemented exception:
      • chmod(), lchmod(), open(), read_link(), symlimk_to(target), hardlink_to(target)

mpremote_path.util.mpfs module

WARNING: This API is a work-in-progress and subject to wholsesale change.

mpfs Features

Provides utility functions for working with files on a serial-attached micropython board.

from pathlib import Path
from mpremote_path import MPath
from mpremote_path.util import mpfs as fs

fs.connect("u0")                 # Use device attached to /dev/ttyUSB0

fs.put(["app/data", "app/*.py"], "/app") # Copy app files to the board
fs.get("/app/data/*", "./backup/data")  # Copy data files from board to local backup

fs.mv("/app/main.py", "/")              # Move main.py from app dir on board to /main.py
fs.mkdir("/app/backup")                 # Create a backup dir on the board
fs.cp("/app/*.py", "/app/backup")       # Copy the .py files to backup dir on board

fs.touch("/timestamp.dat")              # Create or update timestamp file
fs.rm("/lib/*.py")                      # Delete all .py files in /lib
fs.rm("/app", recursive=True)           # Delete the app directory and subdirs

fs.ls(remote, recursive=True)           # Print a listing of files in the app dir
fs.ls("/", long=True, recursive=True)   # Print a long-form listing

Function Arguments

Many of these functions take a list of files, FileList, as one of their arguments, eg. fs.ls(), fs.put(), fs.get(), fs.cp(), fs.ls(). A FileList can be any one of:

  • Iterable[MPRemotePath | Path]: eg. a list of file path instances,
  • Iterable[str]: eg. a list of filenames (or wildcard patterns),
  • MPRemotePath | Path: A single instance of a local or remote file path, or
  • str: a whitespace separated list of filenames (or wildcard patterns)

If the function expects local file paths, string filenames will be converted to Path instances, eg. the first argument of put(files, dest).

If the function expects remote file paths, string filenames will be converted to MPRemotePath instances, eg. the first arguments of get(files, dest), ls(files), cp(files, dest)and mv(files, dest).

mpremote_path.util.mpfs Functions

WARNING: This API is a work-in-progress and subject to wholsesale change.

  • connect(port: str) -> None

    • Establish a connection to the serial-attached micropython board. port is the name of a serial port (full or abbreviated), eg: "/dev/ttyUSB0" or "u0", This function must be called before any methods that attempt to interact with the micropython board.
  • mkdir(name: str) -> MPRemotePath

    • Create and return a directory on the micropython board.
  • rmdir(name: str) -> None

    • Delete a directory on the micropython board (directory must be empty).
  • cd(name: str) -> MPRemotePath

    • Set the working directory on the board to name and return the fully resolved path.
  • cwd(name: str) -> MPRemotePath

    • Return the current working directory on the board.
  • touch(name: str) -> MPRemotePath

    • Create a regular file on the micropython board. If the file exists, update the timestamp on the file.
  • cat(files: FileList) -> None

    • Print out the contents of the files provided.
  • rm(files: FileList, recursive: bool = False) -> None

    • Delete files and directories. Will delete contents of directories if recursive is set True.
  • put(files: FileList, dest: MPRemotePath | str) -> MPRemotePath

    • Recursively copy all the local files and directories specified in files into the remote dest directory on the micropython board. The files specified in files and dest may be Path instances or str values (including glob patterns). Filenames provided as strings will be converted to local Path instances.

      Returns the destination directory as a MPRemotePath instance.

  • get(files: FileList, dest: Path | str) -> Path

    • Recursively copy all the remote files and directories specified in files into the local dest directory. The files specified in files and dest may be MPRemotePath instances or str values (including glob patterns). Filenames provided as strings will be converted to local MPRemotePath instances.

      Returns the destination directory as a Path instance.

  • mv(files: FileList, dest: MPRemotePath | str) -> MPRemotePath

    • Move files and directories on the board (specified in files) into the dest directory on the board. The files specified in FileList and dest may be MPRemotePath instances or str values (including glob patterns). Filenames provided as strings will be converted to MPRemotePath instances.

      Returns the destination directory as a MPRemotePath instance.

  • cp(files: FileList, dest: MPRemotePath | str) -> MPRemotePath

    • Recursively copy files and directories on the board (specified in files) into the dest directory on the board. The files specified in files and dest may be MPRemotePath instances or str values (including glob patterns). Filenames provided as strings will be converted to MPRemotePath instances.

      Returns the destination directory as a MPRemotePath instance.

mpremote_path.util.mpfsops module

WARNING: This API is a work-in-progress and subject to wholsesale change.

mpfsops Features

Provides utility functions for working with files on a serial-attached micropython board. These provide the underlying functionality used by the mpfs module.

These functions accept pathlib.Path instances as arguments (including MPRemotePath instances). They work transparently with local files and files on a micropython board. Be careful that you know which files you are working with!!!

from pathlib import Path
from mpremote_path import MPath
from mpremote_path.util import mpfsops as fsops

fsops.connect("u0")                 # Use device attached to /dev/ttyUSB0

# Make a local copy of a local file (like `os.copyfile()`)
fsops.copyfile(Path("main.py"), Path("main-backup.py"))
# Copy a local file to the board
fsops.copyfile(Path("main.py"), MPath("/main.py"))
# Make a remote copy of a remote file on the board
fsops.copyfile(MPath("/main.py"), MPath("/main-backup.py"))
# Make a local copy of a remote file on the board
fsops.copyfile(MPath("/boot.py"), Path("boot.py"))

local = Path("app")                     # Directory on local host
remote = MPath("/app")                  # Directory on micropython board

# Recursively copy app files to the board
fsops.copy([local / "data", local.glob("*.py")], remote)
# Recursively copy files from the board to a local directory
fsops.copy([remote / "data"], local)

# Move main.py from app dir on board to /main.py
fsops.move([remote / "main.py"], MPath("/"))

fsops.remove(remote.glob("*.py"))       # Delete all .py files in /app on board
fsops.remove([MPath("/app")], recursive=True) # Delete the app directory and subdirs

mpremote_path.util.mpfsops Functions

WARNING: This API is a work-in-progress and subject to wholsesale change.

  • connect(port: str) -> None

    • Establish a connection to the serial-attached micropython board. port is the name of a serial port (full or abbreviated), eg: "/dev/ttyUSB0" or "u0", This function must be called before any methods that attempt to interact with the micropython board.
  • copyfile(src: Path, dest: Path) -> Path | None

    • Create a new file dest which is a copy of the src file. src and dest may be pathlib.Path instances (representing a local file on the computer) OR MPRemotePath instances (representing files on the micropython board). copyfile() will use the most efficient way to copy the files to/from the board if required.
  • copy(files: Iterable[Path], dest: Path) -> None

    • Recursively copy files and directories from files to dest. files is a list (or other iterable) of Path instances (which may also be MPRemotePath instances - representing files and direcories on the board).

      If dest is an existing directory (local or remote), all the files and dirs in the files list will be recursively copied into dest.

      If dest is not an existing directory and there is only one file or dir in files, the file/dir in files will be copied to a new file/dir named dest. (This is similar to how the unix cp command operates.)

  • move(files: Iterable[Path], dest: Path) -> None

    • Recursively move files and directories from files to dest. files is a list (or other iterable) of Path instances (which may also be MPRemotePath instances - representing files and direcories on the board).

      If dest is an existing directory (local or remote), all the files and dirs in the files list will be recursively moved into dest.

      If dest is not an existing directory and there is only one file or dir in files, that file/dir in files will be renamed to dest. (This is similar to how the unix mv command operates.)

  • remove(files: Iterable[Path], recursive: bool = False) -> None

    • Recursively (optionally) delete files and directories provided in files. files is a list (or other iterable) of Path instances (which may also be MPRemotePath instances - representing files and direcories on the board).

      If recursive is True, recursively delete any files and subdirectories inside directories to be deleted. If recursive is False, raise an exception if attempting to remove a directory that is not empty.