
An embedded c++ project for a low resolution interactive screen made from LED-strips.

Primary LanguageC


An embedded c++ platformio project for a low resolution interactive screen made from LED-strips.



  • Arduino Mega 2560


  • Adafruit LED strips
  • Joystick
  • rotary switch
  • SD card reader

Wiring Table

Label From To Description
1 + 5V serves microcontroller with power
2 - GND microcontroller ground current
3 LED 6 information flow between LED and microcontroller
4 LED - LED ground current
5 power supply - 5V current source
6 power supply + ground current source
7 joystick - serves joystick with power
8 joystick + joystick ground current
9 joystick A0 joystick x
10 joystick A1 joystick y
11 joystick A3 joystick trigger
12 joystick A4 joystick buttons

+: refers to the 5V line on the breadboard
-: refers to the common ground line on the breadboard


These should bes resolved via the Platformio library manager.


Add pictures or gifs from the project here.


Useful Links

Project Structure

 ├── .pio     # external libraries, managed by PIO
 ├── include  # project header files
 │    ├── consts  # e.g. configuration for different hardware prototypes
 │    ├── fonts   # bitmap encoded fonts
 │    ├── snake   # code with snake game components
 │    └── README.md
 ├── lib  # project specific (private) libraries
 │    ├── ... 
 │    ├── InteractiveMatrix   # builds on FastLED for our specific use case
 │    └── README.md
 ├── src
 │    └── InteractiveMatrix.ino   # main application
 ├── test
 ├── .gitignore
 ├── platformio.ini  # project metadata
 └── README.md


  • when creating an InteractiveMatrix specify periphery objects, e.g. controller (maybe setter functions, e.g. matrix->setController())