
React testing cases

Primary LanguageTypeScript

React Testing

What to test?

  • Test component renders
  • Test component renders with props
  • Test component renders in different states
  • Test component reacts to events

What not to test?

  • Implementation details
  • Third party libraries (unless you are testing your own wrapper)
  • Code that is not important from a user point of view

Filename Conventions

  • Files with .test.js or .test.tsx suffixes in src folder will be picked up by Jest automatically.
  • Files with .spec.js or .spec.tsx suffixes in src folder will be picked up by Jest automatically.
  • Files with .js or .tsx suffixes in __tests__ folder will be picked up by Jest automatically.

Recommendation is to always put your tests next to the code they are testing so that relative imports appear shorter. For example, if App.tsx has a test, it should be placed in App.test.tsx next to the component.

Code Coverage

A metric that can help you understand how much of your software code is tested

  • Statement coverage: how many of the statements in the software code have been executed
  • Branches coverage: how many of the branches of the control structures (if statements for instance) have been executed
  • Function coverage: how many of the functions defined have been called and finally
  • Line coverage: how many lines of code have been executed
  "scripts": {
    "coverage": "npm test -- --coverage --watchAll=true --collectCoverageFrom='src/components/**/*.{ts,tsx}' --collectCoverageFrom='!src/components/**/*.{types,stories,constants,test,spec}.{ts,tsx}'"
  "jest": {
    "coverageThreshold": {
      "global": {
        "branches": 80,
        "functions": 80,
        "lines": 80,
        "statements": 80

RTL (React Testing Library) Queries

Every test we write generally involves the following base steps:

  1. Render the component
  2. Find an element rendered by the component
  3. Assert against the element found in step 2 which will pass or fail the test

To render the component, we use the render method from RTL

For assertion, we use expect passing in a value and combine it with a matcher function from jest or jest-dom

Priority Order for Queries

"Your test should resemble how users interact with your code (component, page, etc.) as much as possible"

The priority order for queries is as follows:

  1. getByRole
  2. getByLabelText
  3. getByPlaceholderText
  4. getByText
  5. getByDisplayValue
  6. getByAltText
  7. getByTitle
  8. getByTestId

RTL getBy and getAllBy Queries

getBy getAllBy
getByRole getAllByRole
getByLabelText getAllByLabelText
getByPlaceholderText getAllByPlaceholderText
getByText getAllByText
getByDisplayValue getAllByDisplayValue
getByAltText getAllByAltText
getByTitle getAllByTitle
getByTestId getAllByTestId



<div>Hello World</div>

Full string match

screen.getByText('Hello World');

Substring match

screen.getByText('llo Worl', { exact: false });

Ignore case

screen.getByText('hello world', { exact: false });

Regular Expression

<div>Hello World</div>

Substring match


Substring match, ignore case


Full string match, ignore case

screen.getByText(/^hello world$/i);

Custom Function

<div>Hello World</div>
screen.getByText((content) => {
  return content.startsWith('Hello');

User Interactions

  • A click using a mouse or keypress using a keyboard
  • Software has to respond to such interactions
  • Tests should ensure the interactions are handled as expected

fireEvent vs user-event

fireEvent is a method from RTL which is used to dispatch DOM events

user-event simulates full interactions, which may fire multiple events and do additional checks along the way

Static Analysis Testing

Process of verifying that your code meets certain expectations without actually running it

  • Ensure consistent style and formatting
  • Check for common mistakes and possible bugs
  • Limit the complexity of code
  • Verify type consistency

Static Analysis Testing Tools

  • TypeScript
  • ESLint
  • Prettier
  • Husky
  • lint-staged

TypeScript: It is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript. It is a strict syntactical superset of JavaScript and adds optional static typing to the language.

ESLint: It is a tool for identifying and reporting on patterns found in ECMAScript/JavaScript code, with the goal of making code more consistent and avoiding bugs.

Prettier: It is an opinionated code formatter with support for many filetypes. It removes all original styling and ensures that all outputted code conforms to a consistent style.

Husky: It is a tool that makes it easy to use GitHooks as part of your development workflow.

lint-staged: It is a tool that allows you to run scripts on staged files in git.