
users can add trading ideas and tie to instruments, and where helpful timeframes. they can then update that idea

users can, based on a context determined in search bar, view a chronological, set of notes and ideas, or focus on an a particular idea. These can be thought of as views, and each view docked as a seperate 'tab'

Application Name Overview

1-2 paragraphs with an overview of the app

Required Environment / Minimum Setup

Ruby version. Minimum setup required to run the app. This should be checked by dev:setup

Notable Deviations

Document any case where this project deviates from the standard policies. Not using git flow? What's the branching model. Esoteric release schedule? Document it.

Accessing the Site

Is it running WEBrick, pow, unicorn? Do you need to use custom subdomains or hosts?


Who do I speak with to get the values for configuration files? Who/where do I go to for dev/production database dumps?

Walkthrough / Smoke Test

Describe a manual smoke test process to ensure that the env is running as it should be.


How do you run the tests?

Staging Environment

Where is it? How do I access it? Who do I speak with to get access?

Production Environment

Where is it? How do I access it? Who do I speak with to get access? Is there a CDN? How does it work? Is there a particular release process?


Spot for designers to put any information they need.

Known Issues / Gotcha

Extended Resources

link to extended resources