
A simple CLI tool to serve OpenAPI specs via HTTP and render them using Swagger UI

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Render your OpenAPI specifications using Swagger UI


  • port The port on which the server will listen. Is 3000 by default.
  • file The path to a local OpenAPI file to be served
  • url The url to an online OpenAPI specification file

Start the server

# Ways to serve a local OpenAPI file
serve-swagger-docs file=<path/to/file.json>
serve-swagger-docs --file=<path/to/file.json>

# Ways to serve a remote OpenAPI file
serve-swagger-docs url=<http(s)://path/to/file.json>
serve-swagger-docs --url=<http(s)://path/to/file.json>

# Ways to specify a port
serve-swagger-docs port=<PORT>
serve-swagger-docs --port=<PORT>

The server should log a message with an URL to view your documentation. Navigate to this URL on your browser to see the docs.