
Testing UUID performance for CockroachDB

Quick Test to show performance of UUID presentation layers

With CockroachDB, UUID can be presented as several different ways.

String format


Curly Brace format


Urn format:


Byte format


Test configuration

create database uuid;

use uuid;

create table vstr (
    token uuid

create table vcurl (
    token uuid

create table vurn (
    token uuid

create table vbytes (
    token uuid

Below are the four diffent ways to insert UUID values via SQL:

-- Four ways to insert values
insert into vstr values ('63616665-6630-3064-6465-616462656564');
insert into vcurl values ('{63616665-6630-3064-6465-616462656564}');
insert into vurn values('urn:uuid:63616665-6630-3064-6465-616462656564');
insert into vbytes values (b'kafef00ddeadbeed');

Insert Test Results

I created a simple JMETER script to use the above insert statements to insert values into 4 different tables for two minutes. This was achieved by running the UUID_tests.jmx file for two minutes to test all types.

At the completion of the run, the following values were in the 4 tables:

select (select count(*) as vstr_cnt from vstr),
       (select count(*) as vcurl_cnt from vcurl),
       (select count(*) as vurn_cnt from vurn),
       (select count(*) as vbytes_cnt from vbytes)

  vstr_cnt | vcurl_cnt | vurn_cnt | vbytes_cnt
     12075 |     12009 |    11985 |      12021

Response time Graph of the various insert formats:


UUID generation functions

Cockroach can generate UUIDs via 3 different functions:

  • experimental_uuid_v4()
  • gen_random_uuid()
  • uuid_v4()

I ran a quick test to generate 1,000,000 UUID values with each function:

root@:26257/uuid> select count(*) from (select experimental_uuid_v4() from generate_series(1,1000000));
(1 row)

Time: 103.726ms

root@:26257/uuid> select count(*) from (select uuid_v4() from generate_series(1,1000000));
(1 row)

Time: 104.963ms

root@:26257/uuid> select count(*) from (select gen_random_uuid() from generate_series(1,1000000));
(1 row)

Time: 103.432ms


CockroachDB has the UUID datatype user to store URNs internally. Appears to be no discernible differnece between the different UUID formats for data ingest and generation.