
basic fibonacci calculator using recursion

Primary LanguageC++

Fibonacci Sequence Application

A console application implementing a simple Fibonacci algorithm. The algorithm runs a recursive function that calculates, stores, and prints a sequence of Fibonacci numbers, beginning with 0,1, and ending after 46 numbers print.


Have cmake installed, and accessible in your path (ie: you should be able to launch cmake from your terminal).

git clone https://github.com/glenngartner/fibonacci.git

Run / Debug

If your IDE supports CMake configurations directly (using the CMakeLists.txt file), like Visual Studio 2017 or CLion, just open the project root folder in your IDE. You can then run or debug the app without running CMake. If you want to use XCode, Visual Studio with a .sln file, or another IDE, then generate your project files with cmake (next section).

Generate Project Files

If you want to generate project files for your IDE of choice (Visual Studio solution, XCode, etc), and build from source, cd to the project root directory in your terminal. Then, change to the build directory, launch cmake, and direct cmake at the project root, like so:

{project_root}> cd build/
{project_root}/build> cmake .. # direct cmake up one directory, to the project root, where the CMakeLists.txt file resides

Cmake will generate project files, and deposit them in the build folder (or the folder you launched CMake from). Now you can open and compile the project in your IDE.


Compile the project in your IDE. If you chose UNIX Makefiles during cmake configuration, then run make from the build directory:

{project_root}/build> make .


If you don't want to build yourself, use the windows (.exe), OSX, or Linux binaries in the bin/ folder to run the app.