List of Benefits

Property: Documentation, Planning

Status: Started

A Narrative Transportation Workbench

Key features:

  • Sentence Structure, and Length analysis. Visually display POS
  • Visual Vocabulary Density Displays
  • Opinion and sentiment analysis
  • Explicit Scene Checks and Promise Tracker with MICE Quotent
  • Trend detection in Word Choice
  • Entity Recognition i.e. places, characters, objects
  • Time Date Tracking
  • Affective Voice Composure
  • Qualitive Evaluation Tools
  • Quantitive Success Evaluation Corpus
  • Objective Correlation Builder
  • Rhetorical Device Support and Recognition
  • API Connection to Many Other Tools…

Key Benefits:

  • A net for Experiments and Creations
  • Spot required editing needs
  • Expression of Character Voices
  • Able to Make more use of Outlines and other preparations
  • Supports Concept Foundry
  • Tracking Structure Use and Show/Tell
  • Develops a tool box of Internet Resources and References
  • Utilizing Open Source Libraries
  • Developed as Open Source
  • A Narrative Transporter Workbench builds the story you sat down to tell.

Overview of Wordthy Workbench

Wordthy is not an authorship editor, such as Scrivener. Rather it is a Workbench for editing a novel or story after the first draft is completed. The program is designed for writers and authors to mature a first draft into a best seller. It is a place to exploit the latest in science i.e. psychology, persuasion, affective stats, emotion fulfillment, etymology and others to produce narrative transportation.

Sentence Structure, and Length analysis. Visually display POS

The mind craves difference, variety, contrast. Wordthy, using NLP tools developed my Stanford University and AI Projects, checks through the content for the ‘sameness’ that drags stories down, and forces the reader to set the burden aside.

  • Visual Sentence Length and Variation Tools so that you can easily find areas where variation in sentence length and structure are needed.
  • Part Of Sentence Recognition to check structures for repetition of Noun and Verb placement. Adjective use, Adverb hunters, and Active Voice masonry. i.e. passive voice watch, Be Verb usage, pronoun watch and visual notifications (finding words like ‘it’ and ‘thing’ so that description can be better developed for the reader.

Visual Vocabulary Density Displays

Using latest AoA (Age of Acquisition) Wordthy evaluates and visually reports on vocabulary consistency and against Desired Readership accessibility. You can use this both in Narrative, description and character dialog. For example, lets say you have characters John and Margarette. If John begins the story talking at a 10 or 11 level of comprehension, and then drops to a 2 or 4, Wordthy can bring these lapses to your attention.

Opinion and sentiment analysis

For Character voice, get a visual report on the dialog for each character and the emotional presentation they exhibit. Does your MC always sound angry? It is easy to get entrenched in narrow representations, especially if the narration utilizes internal dialog which masks the dialog ruts. These tools help with distancing the writer from the work, and offers insight into what fresh eyes might perceive.

Explicit Scene Checks and Promise Tracker with MICE Quotient

These are Augment features. The AI assists with these rather than in full automation mode.

Trend detection in Word Choice

Entity Recognition i.e. places, characters, objects

Time Date Tracking

It can’t always be Thursday…

Affective Voice Composure

Qualitive Evaluation Tools

Quantitive Success Evaluation Corpus

Objective Correlation Builder

Rhetorical Device Support and Recognition

API Connection to Many Other Tools…