
A RESTful way to use your Notion tables as a database.

Primary LanguagePython


A RESTful way to use your Notion tables as a database.


As of May 11, 2021, the official Notion API is available in its public beta version. I'd recommend you to use that.


Form submissions or frontend websites, use one database that is understood by everyone at your workplace for all your needs.


In order to use the API, you need to provide your Notion token_v2 cookie and the Notion database page URL. You can obtain your token_v2 using Chrome DevTools or the like for other browsers.

GET data

Endpoint: /page/<PAGE_ID>
The PAGE_ID includes the ID of the page along with the default ?v URL parameter.

Simply replace the notion.so to rest-notion-db.herokuapp.com on your database page to access the table data as a JSON response.

In case of an auth-secured page, send your token_v2 cookie as a Authorization Bearer Token header in the request.

Currently, you can sort and limit the data using request parameters.

For example:
?name=asc: sorts all the names in alphabetical order as per the default Notion intent.
?limit=5: limits the number of results in the response to 5.

You can add multiple query parameters to sort the data as per your use-cases.

Database: User Research Template

Request: https://rest-notion-db.herokuapp.com/page/1d595a4c3f9a4254b332587507e87267?v=43045489a1a44683b04154a85a562898&name=desc&limit=2

    "completion_time": 20,
    "email": "",
    "name": "Kyle Miller",
    "rsvp": true,
    "status": "Cancelled",
    "task": ["Profile Editing"],
    "title": "Kyle Miller"
}, {
    "completion_time": 30,
    "email": "",
    "name": "Emily Cohen",
    "rsvp": false,
    "status": "Contacted",
    "task": ["Offline Mode", "Profile Editing"],
    "title": "Emily Cohen"

POST data

Endpoint: /post

Send the Notion Page URL and the token_v2 cookie, in case of a private page, as request headers along with the JSON POST data.

In order to successfully POST, the request data keys should match the schema names and the values should match the schema datatypes.

Database: User Research Template


    "Authorization": "Bearer <TOKEN_V2>",
    "Notion-Page-Url": "<DB_PAGE_URL>",
    "Content-Type": "application/json"


    "name": "Ivan Zhao",
    "task": ["Offline Mode", "Profile Editing"],
    "status": "Scheduled",
    "completion_time": 42,
    "rsvp": true


    "message": "Added data to table successfully.",
    "success": true


notion-py for the unofficial Notion client wrapper.


File an issue or contact me.