
Solution for a case exercise involving poker hands

Primary LanguageRustThe UnlicenseUnlicense


Solution for a case exercise involving poker hands


The server runs in a Docker container, managed by Docker Compose. To start the server:

docker compose up --build

The server should then run on your local TCP-port 8080.


  • /draw
    • GET generates a hand of five cards, returns a JSON representation of it and a classification of the hand.
  • /analyze/:cards
    • GET analyzes the provided cards. The :cards format is a comma-separated list of rank and suit for five cards. Example: /analyze/tr,jr,qr,kr,1r would return the JSON string "StraightFlush".

code documentation

If you have Rust on your system, you can generate and open documentation for the server:

cd server
cargo doc --no-deps --open

test it in the cloud

