
Light-weight, easy feature flags client module, works with any JSON feature flag service.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Allows you to use feature flags in your code, works with any JSON feature flag service.


  • Extremely light-weight.
  • Feature flag service agnostic.

Created by featureflag.tech.

Get started

You can install this via pip from the package index as

pip install featureflagclient

If you have a JSON file in the cloud like this one:


You can access it like so

from featureflagclient.client import Featureflagclient

f2c = Featureflagclient("https://featureflag.tech/node/exampleflag.json")

if (f2c.get( "trueBoolean" )) {
	// do some python

A great way to use feature flags is to use the values from your flag source but override them in specific contexts. For example with a web application, you can have a feature disabled by default in your live production, but then override the value using a cookie or parameter in the request.

For example:

from featureflagclient.client import Featureflagclient

f2c = Featureflagclient(
		"falseBoolean": req.param("falseBooleanOverride") or None

if (f2c.get( "trueBoolean" )) {
	// do some python


Setting up from scratch

Project uses the following Python libs:

  • Python 3.6
  • pyenv for managing the version of Python
  • pipenv for managing dependencies and the Python env
  • pytest for unit testing
  • mypy for static typing (not yet true)
  • flake8 for code linting (not yet true)

pyenv - python version manager

brew install pyenv

Add this to .bash_profile

eval "$(pyenv init -)"

reload terminal session.

python 3.6.5

pyenv install 3.6.5

Setup env with dependencies

cd [repo directory]
pipenv install
pipenv shell

Run the tests

pytest -v

Lint the project code files

flake8 featureflagclient/client.py
flake8 tests/integration_tests.py
flake8 tests/unit_tests.py

Updating code

Use mypy to make python statically typed

mypy featureflagclient/client.py

Release new version

  1. Bump the version number in setup.py

  2. Delete all the contents of the dist dir

  3. Create distribution files:

python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
  1. Push to pypi:
twine upload dist/*
  1. Check the deployment at: