
:octocat: educational repo for storing my backend, frontend, and fullstack web development practice sessions

Primary LanguagePython

What is this?

This is primarily where I keep all my backend stuff for learning new concepts. You may review or use the code if you want.

But wait... there's more!

I can't keep everything in Github.. no, that would be ridiculous. Somethings are meant to be interactive, playful, or artistic. Some of where I store my frontend shenanigans are listed on the table below.

Other Repositories What to expect from the repository
My Portfolio Everything in this Github repository, except created in a way that even your grandmother can understand and navigate.
CodePen My frontend web snippets for you to review, use, and play with.
DeviantArt My logo designs, GUI/UI, web layout mock-ups, traditional drawings, and other art are stored here.
FreeCodeCamp A record of the things I've learned on an opensource-online-fullstack-webdevelopment-course.

Learning/Referance material