
A simple pattern for managing flash messages in your Ruby on Rails application.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Flash Message Conductor

A simple pattern for managing flash messages in your Ruby on Rails application.



In environment.rb;

gem 'glennr-flash-message-conductor'

config.gem 'glennr-flash-message-conductor', :lib => 'flash-message-conductor', :source => 'http://gemcutter.org', :version => ">=1.1"


script/plugin install git://github.com/glennr/flash-message-conductor.git


Redirect actions

add_info( 'foo' )
redirect_to :action => "show"

is the equivalent of

flash[:info] = 'foo'

Render actions

add_info_now( 'foo' )
render :action => "show"

is the equivalent of

flash[:info] = 'foo'

Controller helpers included:

add_success( message )
add_info( message )
add_warning( message )
add_error( message )
add_message( message ) # alias for add_success
add_notice( message ) #alias for add_info

Plus all the _now methods e.g.

add_success_now( message )

View helpers

<%= render_flash_messages %>


<div id="flash_messages">
  <div class="info">You have successfully done XYZ...</p>

or… if you set an error

<div id="flash_messages">
  <p class="error">Oops! Something went bonkers!</p>

Example CSS and Icons

See examples/

Copyright © 2008 Planet Argon, released under the MIT license