
The source of my public website

Primary LanguageRuby

Contents of leif.io

Everything you see on leif.io is built from this repository.

All articles are written in markdown and I use the static site generator Hugo to build the HTML content. The theme I'm using is named Congo.

Content Structure

All articles can be found under /blog and are in subfolders named after year/month/date. You won't find drafts here as I push them to a private repo.

Even the "Schlockchain" articles are contained in the /blog directory. Showing them on the Schlockchain page is implemented as a Branch Bundle. All blog posts with the tag blockchain are listed there. See the custom layout for the implementation.


The blog is deployed on Netlify and uses its redirect feature to forward from former URLs to not lose the SEO traffic.

Helper Scripts


Use hooks/install to install all available hooks.


This hook prevents pushing a draft branch (starting with drafts/) to be pushed to the public repo

Change time to current time of the article

The Ruby script update_time_in_article.rb updates a blog article to the current time (useful shortly before publishing). It also moves the whole folder in case the date changed. It takes two arguments:

  • The path to the index.md file of the article
  • A qualified TZ database name of a time zone


bundle exec ruby update_time_in_article.rb content/blog/2021/07/06/sorry-the-get-protocol-doesnt-solve-ticket-scalping-through-blockchain/index.md America/Los_Angeles