- 0
Runtime error due to unexpected syntax error.
#875 opened by bdetry - 5
- 8
- 0
Is there any option for the jumps to be equal?
#868 opened by ducmanh1101 - 3
- 2
- 9
CountUp name export could not found on build phase
#849 opened by violetbee - 1
[Bug] `startOnMount` does not exist
#840 opened by severinlandolt - 19
Cannot read properties of null (reading 'tagName')
#736 opened by AstRonin - 3
- 24
SyntaxError: Unexpected token 'export'
#805 opened by devnostic - 6
enableScrollSpy wrong behaviour
#676 opened by Mbensler - 4
enableScrollSpy bugged
#699 opened by hffxx - 0
When the component initializes and loads, the HTML code will flash on the page for a few seconds
#816 opened by zym0110 - 1
- 0
- 1
SyntaxError: Unexpected token 'export'
#813 opened by shivam7207 - 8
CountUp starts over on re-renders
#540 opened by kershnerd - 1
6.4.2 broken counting speed
#786 opened by NicerDicerPro - 1
When suffix and/or prefix are undefined, they get converted to the string 'undefined'
#775 opened by nevnein - 1
useEasing defaults to undefined instead of true
#711 opened by solithcy - 0
TS: 类型缺失
#713 opened by fantian007 - 3
missing types
#702 opened by fantian007 - 1
Missing/Incomplete Types
#701 opened by dsbrianwebster - 1
Need the countUp number like v4 did.
#656 opened by odhk-fe - 1
- 1
No start value on SSR
#724 opened by hrougier - 0
Help with onEnd
#723 opened by cdt-eth - 2
hook 写法有 bug
#712 opened by fantian007 - 1
scrollSpyOnce does nothing
#691 opened by JavierBrooktec - 5
Window is not defined
#655 opened by NabeelAhmed23 - 1
Countup not working with SSG
#690 opened by steven-js - 5
Callbacks do not care about dependency list
#687 opened by ryancrunchi - 0
How to use the in react with jest testing?
#653 opened by erkanisuf - 1
"Invalid hook call" Error
#603 opened by Lucien950 - 3
- 4
Add accessibility for occupation period
#522 opened by iManu - 0
Change editable Font color
#549 opened by bikkimahato - 8
5.1.0: unexpected token "export" when running jest
#519 opened by jlowcs - 4
- 2
Is this project still maintained?
#489 opened by lucapollani - 0
Travis CI doesn't work
#400 opened by mmarkelov - 0
shouldComponentUpdate ignores changes to className
#450 opened by zbuttram - 6
when close the page that contains the 'CountUp' component cause memory leaks
#432 opened by Ice-Panda - 1
CountUp could not be statically extracted.
#445 opened by Ohar - 2
- 0
Functions are not valid as a React child
#411 opened by tavareshenrique - 1
Shorten delay before onEnd triggers
#410 opened by SachaG - 0
Slow transition down when close to end?
#402 opened by timbogdanov - 0
how to change duration in onEnd method
#401 opened by myside1