
Google Maps API written in Elixir

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT

Google Maps

Elixir wrapper around Google Maps APIs


  • Directions - Directions between multiple locations.
  • Distance Matrix - Travel time and distance for multiple destinations.
  • Elevation - Elevation data for any point in the world.
  • Geocoding - Converts between addresses and geographic coordinates.
  • Place Add - Allows you to supplement the data in Google's Places database with data from your application.
  • Place Autocomplete - can be used to automatically fill in the name and/or address of a place as you type.
  • Place Details - Returns more detailed information about a specific Place, including user reviews.
  • Place Photo - Gives you access to the millions of Place related photos stored in Google's Place database
  • Place Search - Returns a list of places based on a user's location or search string.
  • Query Autocomplete - can be used to provide a query prediction service for text-based geographic searches, by returning suggested queries as you type.
  • Timezone - Time zone data for anywhere in the world.


  • directions/3
  • geocode/2
  • place_autocomplete/2
  • place_query/2


If available in Hex, the package can be installed as:

  1. Add google_maps to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:
def deps do
  [{:google_maps, "~> 0.5"}]
  1. Ensure google_maps is started before your application:
def application do
  [applications: [:google_maps]]
  1. In your application's config/config.exs, add:
config :google_maps, 
  api_key: "YOUR API KEY HERE"

Or you can use GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY system environment variable when running in iex.