
Sudoku Game (improved)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Sudoku Game Project

Improved Sudoku Website: https://glenscheng.github.io/pj-sudoku-improved/

YouTube Tutorial: https://youtu.be/S4uRtTb8U-U'
Tutorial Sudoku Repository: https://github.com/glenscheng/pj-sudoku-tutorial
Turotial Sudoku Website: https://glenscheng.github.io/pj-sudoku-tutorial/

Change Log:
 - Placement happens after first selecting a tile on the board and then clicking any digit
 - When clicking already gray tile on the board, turn it back to white
 - Make digit button disappear once all 9 are on the board
 - Implemented an array for counts of each digit
 - Remove error count and allow incorrect placements
 - Added selections to be cleared when clicking outside of boards/digit buttons
 - When clicking on a digit, highlight all of the same digits on the board
 - Fixed bug that made you have to double click a tile on the board after clicking outside the board
 - Added confetti when the board is completed with no incorrect placements
 - Fixed bug of whether the digit buttons should start blank or not
 - Added delete button
 - Added allowance of 3 mistakes
 - Added stopwatch