auto switch input source according your rules. now only support macos.
iswitch will read the config file from XDG_CONFIG_HOME/iswitch/config.toml
if config file not exist it will auto create config file with empty rule.
support hotreloading config.
example config file format
Alacritty = ""
WeChat = ""
QQ = ""
with switch input source id-p
print all available input source list with localized name if found.
Asynchronously auto-switch the input source after leaving insert mode. After the switch is complete, regardless of whether the switch succeeds or fails, iswitch will check if an iswitch process is already running. If no iswitch process is found, iswitch will not exit; it will remain running.
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('InsertLeave', {
callback = function()
if vim.fn.executable('iswitch') == 0 then
vim.system({ 'iswitch', '-s', '' }, nil, function(proc)
if proc.code ~= 0 then
api.nvim_err_writeln('Failed to switch input source: ' .. proc.stderr)
desc = 'auto switch to abc input',
- linux support