A stacked view layout with gesture-based reordering using a UICollectionView -- inspired by Passbook and Reminders apps.
- 4
- 2
Getting error collection view layout
#54 opened by RuchiMakadia - 9
How to get real contentSize?
#52 opened by Ewg777 - 1
- 11
- 1
Disabling Card popup and show card as expanded height while rest collapsed.
#50 opened by amberkatyal - 0
how use with xib file
#49 opened by anhmuonnoi - 4
ios 11 dragitems
#48 opened by shinshouri - 6
Expanding a cell taking time
#47 opened by tapan-nathvani - 1
- 6
An exception occurs under the iOS11
#45 opened by czeludzki - 2
Add Carthage support
#33 opened by patricks - 3
Give space between cells
#44 opened by tapan-nathvani - 3
Issue with stacked layout location
#41 opened by albarq - 1
Refreshing stack when adding new item
#40 opened by sanketpardeshi - 1
Any branch for ios7 support?
#39 opened by puneetgoyal08 - 2
- 5
- 1
- 2
- 1
How can I use this in UITableView?
#36 opened by hudanavroz - 5
Support for multiple sections
#24 opened by beloso - 2
- 2
How can I disable cards pop-up
#34 opened by SKstark - 3
Could you make MOVE_ZOOM into a property?
#32 opened by KemalPajevic - 3
Selector of UIButton is not calling
#31 opened - 2
topReveal not being respected.
#29 opened - 11
Constraints break in ios9
#27 opened by annathomasQB - 4
- 4
flowdelegatelayout method not called
#26 opened by annathomasQB - 8
ios6 and ios6.1 running effect
#7 opened by priorder - 1
Child Controller
#8 opened by eggie5 - 5
Stack at the bottom
#13 opened by WendyLei - 2
- 3
Item size
#21 opened by filipandrei87 - 1
Embed in ViewController
#14 opened by chetem - 4
slowness with 30+ elements
#12 opened by avalla - 2
- 1
Cell alignment
#15 opened by WendyLei - 1
Set cell height
#11 opened by WendyLei - 2
About adding footer
#2 opened by jdleung - 1
iOS8 collapse issue
#10 opened by jslim89 - 2
why is ios7 required?
#5 opened by mrtristan - 7
Adding contentInset to top?
#3 opened by katleta3000 - 1