
Chess game in the C# console

Primary LanguageC#


Chess game in the C# console

To build and run the game:

  1. Go to the program folder and build to check for errors:

    dotnet build
  2. Run the ChessConsole:

    dotnet run

To run a example game:

Input values as required by the system following the table below.

Turn Player Origin Destiny Piece
1 White ♘ Knight b1 c3
2 Black ♟ Pawn f7 f5
3 White ♙ Pawn e2 e4
4 Black ♟ Pawn f5 e4
5 White ♘ Knight c3 e4
6 Black ♞ Knight g8 f6
7 White ♘ Knight e4 f6
8 Black ♟ Pawn g7 f6
9 White ♕ Quenn d1 h5

After the movements of the example, the black king will be in checkmate and the white player will be the winner.