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Fluentd plugin to parse TAI64N format.


Use RubyGems:

gem install fluent-plugin-tai64n_parser


Filter Plugin

<filter test.**>
  @type tai64n_parser
  key   message

Assume following input is coming (indented):

"test" => {
  "message" => "@4000000052f88ea32489532c [FATAL] blah blah"

then output becomes as below (indented):

"test" => {
  "message" => "2014-02-10 17:32:25.612979500 [FATAL] blah blah"

Output Plugin (Old Style)

<match test.**>
  @type           tai64n_parser
  key             message
  add_tag_prefix  parsed.

Assume following input is coming (indented):

"test" => {
  "message" => "@4000000052f88ea32489532c [FATAL] blah blah"

then output becomes as below (indented):

"parsed.test" => {
  "message" => "2014-02-10 17:32:25.612979500 [FATAL] blah blah"

Parse qmail log example:

<match raw.qmail.sent>
  type             parser
  remove_prefix    raw
  format           /^(?<tai64n>[^ ]+) (?<message>(((?:new|end) msg (?<key>[0-9]+)|info msg (?<key>[0-9]+): bytes (?:\d+) from <(?<address>[^>]*)> |starting delivery (?<delivery_id>[0-9]+): msg (?<key>[0-9]+) to (?:local|remote) (?<address>.+)|delivery (?<delivery_id>[0-9]+))?.*))$/
  key_name         message
  suppress_parse_error_log true

<match qmail.sent>
  type             tai64n_parser

  key              tai64n
  output_key       parsed_time
  add_tag_prefix   parsed.

<match parsed.qmail.sent>
  type file
  path /var/log/td-agent/qmail_tai64n_parsed.log

Assume following input is coming:

@4000000052fafd8d3298434c new msg 3890
@4000000052fafd8d32984b1c info msg 3890: bytes 372 from <root@**********.pb> qp 31835 uid 0
@4000000052fafd8d373b5dbc starting delivery 9: msg 3890 to remote glidenote@********.co.jp
@4000000052fafd8d373b6974 status: local 0/120 remote 1/60
@4000000052fafd8d38754cec delivery 9: success: ***.***.***.***_accepted_message./Remote_host_said:_250_ok_1392180611_qp_10394/
@4000000052fafd8d387554bc status: local 0/120 remote 0/60
@4000000052fafd8d387554bc end msg 3890

then output becomes as below:

2014-02-12T13:50:11+09:00       parsed.qmail.sent       {"tai64n":"@4000000052fafd8d3298434c","message":"new msg 3890","key":"3890","parsed_time":"2014-02-12 13:50:11.848839500"}
2014-02-12T13:50:11+09:00       parsed.qmail.sent       {"tai64n":"@4000000052fafd8d32984b1c","message":"info msg 3890: bytes 372 from <root@**********.pb> qp 31835 uid 0","key":"3890","address":"root@**********.pb","parsed_time":"2014-02-12 13:50:11.848841500"}
2014-02-12T13:50:11+09:00       parsed.qmail.sent       {"tai64n":"@4000000052fafd8d373b5dbc","message":"starting delivery 9: msg 3890 to remote glidenote@**********.co.jp","key":"3890","address":"glidenote@**********.co.jp","delivery_id":"9","parsed_time":"2014-02-12 13:50:11.926637500"}
2014-02-12T13:50:11+09:00       parsed.qmail.sent       {"tai64n":"@4000000052fafd8d373b6974","message":"status: local 0/120 remote 1/60","parsed_time":"2014-02-12 13:50:11.926640500"}
2014-02-12T13:50:11+09:00       parsed.qmail.sent       {"tai64n":"@4000000052fafd8d38754cec","message":"delivery 9: success: ***.***.***.***_accepted_message./Remote_host_said:_250_ok_1392180611_qp_10394/","
delivery_id":"9","parsed_time":"2014-02-12 13:50:11.947211500"}
2014-02-12T13:50:11+09:00       parsed.qmail.sent       {"tai64n":"@4000000052fafd8d387554bc","message":"status: local 0/120 remote 0/60","parsed_time":"2014-02-12 13:50:11.947213500"}
2014-02-12T13:50:11+09:00       parsed.qmail.sent       {"tai64n":"@4000000052fafd8d387554bc","message":"end msg 3890","key":"3890","parsed_time":"2014-02-12 13:50:11.947213500"}


Filter Plugin

  • key field_key

    The target field key to parse tai64n. The first 25 characters are tried to parse. If the characters are of tail64n format, convert to the time format as of tai64nlocal command. If the characters are not of tai64n format, just pass through the input with info level messages on the log.

  • output_key field_key

    The target field to output the parsed result. The default is equivalent with key which means to overwrite the key field.

Output Plugin (Old Style)

  • key field_key

    The target field key to parse tai64n. The first 25 characters are tried to parse. If the characters are of tail64n format, convert to the time format as of tai64nlocal command. If the characters are not of tai64n format, just pass through the input with info level messages on the log.

  • output_key field_key

    The target field to output the parsed result. The default is equivalent with key which means to overwrite the key field.

  • add_tag_prefix

    Add tag prefix for output message

  • remove_tag_prefix

    Remove tag prefix for output message

  • add_tag_suffix

    Add tag suffix for output message

  • remove_tag_suffix

    Remove tag suffix for output message




  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


Copyright (c) 2014- Akira Maeda. See LICENSE for details.